I'm Not Fat (Requested David Mason)

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Happy Super Bowl Sunday evening! :)

This plus sized/heavy reader has been requested quite a bit!! Sorry it's so short and unedited, this weekend has been crazy busy!

Despite that, I hope you enjoy!



"Fat people are so unhealthy!"

"Right? Eating McDonald's every day, never-"

"Never giving a damn to what skinny bitches say," you interrupted and rounded on the two college-aged girls. "Some fat people, we prefer the word plus-sized, eat unhealthy but not all. Especially not every day."

The women were in shock that you had turned from your spot in line to politely snap at them. With a smirk, you turned back around. They slowly moved out of the short line, disappearing back into the store.

"People are so rude sometimes, thank you for putting them in their place."

The cashier was large, bigger than you were. You weren't trying to use the word fat to describe him but that's kind of what he was. For you, plus-sized could mean different things.

"Have a good night," the cashier gave you your receipt after scanning everything.

"You too," you pulled out your car keys, opening your phone while pushing the car forwards with your hips.

In your favorites, you found the number of your boyfriend, David Mason. Your lips curved upwards into the biggest of smiles, the literal feeling of butterflies shifting through your stomach.

"Hi baby girl!"

"Hi!" you grinned, packing up your car with the groceries. "How did today go?"

"Long," there was a sigh. "We found more plans."

"Well at least that's good, right?" you wondered, closing the trunk and spinning the cart around throw it in the corral with the others.

"I suppose. How was your day?"

"Short actually. I spent some time at work and ended up leaving early to clean the apartment. I'm just leaving the grocery store now."

"Drive safe."

"I will. Are you going to be at home?"

"About that," David sounded frustrated. "They're keeping us here an extra day."

"Oh man," you opened the the driver's door.

"Yeah, something about-"

The phone was suddenly out of your grip as your hand was slammed against the side of the car. You let out a scream, only getting half out as your assaulter covered your open mouth. The phone made a loud sound, more than likely shouting from Mason on the other side, and you pummeled with all you had at the attacker. The man merely grunted, your strength puny in comparison to the sharp muscles you could feel under his sweatshirt.

Your world blacked out when a pinch came to your thigh.


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