Fresh Air (Requested Pierson)

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Hey everyone! So I recently played Call of Duty: WW2 and I'm in love!! I really figured that since I liked the more futuristic games I wouldn't like WW2 but boy was I wrong! I enjoyed everything about this game, characters, graphics, storyline, weapons, etc.

With that being said, I can now update for those requesting WW2 characters. I get the just of characters now, so I will be able to accurately portray them in the updates. :)

Who was your favorite character? I liked the complexity of hard-ass Pierson but enjoyed Stiles and Aiello too!

Enjoy lovelies! It's Spring Break so I'm going to update multiple times to catch up with requests. Keep your requests coming too!!



"There's always those military boys here," your best friend spoke with her southern American accent. "They're so much fun!"

"This is England," your other friend shot down the remark. "All of us ladies are supposed to be proper and those American soldiers are to be even more so. Most of them have women back home."

"Yeah, well I can still have fun with 'em!"

You rolled your eyes as they barreled out of the car in their spring dresses, hair curly bobs and faces heavily powdered. You felt like the complete opposite. You wore your favorite white spring dress, yet left your hair simple with just a tie of the upper part. Instead of wearing shoes with even the slightest heel, you wore flats. You also didn't wear makeup.

Stepping up onto the porch of the local bar, you glanced over your shoulder. How you loved to look out at the England landscape at night, seeing the beauty of it through the tough war times. Being an exchange student from America- your family had a lot of money- you had to stay put through World War 2. You hadn't even been able to go home for Christmas!

Rather than spending any longer in the chilly outside weather, you stepped into the laughter-filled bar. Looking around you noticed your friends had already taken up a man of their own and were dancing. The tables to the left and towards the back were filled, as were the ones scattered in a separate section to your right. The bar placed in the center of the building had much less people than usual.

Carefully walking over to the bar, you smiled at the older lady behind it. Her red hair was greying at the roots, blue eyes surrounded in skin creased from so much smiling.

"Good evening, Francine!"

"Hello, sweet Y/N!" the older woman turned and gave you friendly smile.

"May I please have one of those harsher cocktails?"

"Now, now, a young lady like you doesn't need such a thing."

You gave a little laugh and begged. "Oh, please Francine!"

"What would your father say if he were here now?"

"He isn't," you politely retorted. "I'm twenty six, I can have just one cocktail."

"One only," she finally accepted and went off to make the drink.

You glanced around, seeing a woman around your age crying her eyes out with a group of friends. She was pointing towards a man nearby, sitting gruffly over a drink. You already knew what had happened before you'd gotten there.

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