You're Safe (Ethan)

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"Last year's winter was not as hard as this!"

"It was, we just had more food!"

"More food? We've never had enough!"

"And who's fault is that?"

You shifted in the window that occupied the corner of your sleeping area. The area was above your sibling's and nothing more than a bed and trunk filled with few thick clothes. There may have been an extra thin blanket and a bag, but you rarely dug to the bottom to look.

In the world you'd grown up in, family stayed together. It didn't matter whether you were fifteen or sixty- you stayed in the house you'd grown up in. That left you to your current situation which was withering away during the harshest of winters while your parents fought.

You wanted to leave. You'd never seen or felt the the freedoms of the world, or worlds, beyond a moon of Jupiter you lived on. Through books provided by your mother, you knew the old planet your ancestors had lived on was called Earth. Your father had once traveled there for work, paying the Settlement Defense Front a load of saved up cash.

But you couldn't pay them enough money in the world to travel there.

You hated the SDF, a military force that fought against the United Nations Space Alliance- or UNSA. They rebelled against your home planet, they had slaughtered thousands of innocent men in your area in order to keep themselves mighty. The SDF had even done things to the women...and one of them had been your mother at one point.

You had been lucky when that happened. The greedy soldiers were just rounding on you when their leader, Salen Kotch, interrupted the entire situation. He had grasped your chin- a young child's at the time- and told you that you were safe and that he would protect your family as long as you all stayed loyal. He had then proceeded to say things about how lovely of a teen you would grow into; he said something about visiting when you hit 18...

Luckily with the war at its peak, Salem Kotch was too busy to stop back and face your twenty-year-old self. Even with the fact that he could visit and steal you away to marriage kept you on your toes.

Paying the SDF to get to Earth was the worst idea you'd ever come up with.


You rolled over on the uncomfortable mattress and looked down to your mother below.

"Can you please go get some berries from the shed? I need them for dinner."

"We actually have berries?" you looked around for your father but found no trace of him in the small cottage.

"Yes," your mother gazed towards her feet and then back to you. "Only for today."

You sighed and said nothing else as you dressed up warmer to go outside in the blizzard-cold weather. Your mother tended to the fire while your sibling played in front of it with a wooden toy.

As you exited the cottage, your eyes stumbled upon a mostly white land. The only bit of color came from the brown siding of other cottages and houses and the yellow glow of tinted lanterns used for porch lights. Despite the snapping jaws of the freezing air, the day was rather sunny and showed off the big planet of...Jupiter or Saturn, was it?

You didn't exactly know all of the planet names and you didn't have time to think of them.

The life on the moon was mostly lived inside the cheaply sealed doors of each cottage. Each person was only allowed short walks to and from places or else the air would damage their lungs. Those like your father had been provided masks by the SDF in order to work.

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