Too Much For You? (Gideon)

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Before I start this, I just have to say this will have a steamy make out session (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) and that Gideon is ALWAYS unbelievably hot! :D ......

Damn I've got a bad obsession. hehehe


You were frustrated with work. Being overloaded and expected to more than what was possible made you come home tired and bitchy. Gideon often avoided talking to you too much.

Tonight you had one thing in mind and that was the hot tub in the backyard. You wanted to relax and be left alone. You hoped you would get just that.

"Welcome home," Gideon called from the kitchen, cooking dinner.

Gideon worked, but in random shifts. When he was gone it was for more than one night at a time. It worried you, but he promised it was nothing that would harm your relationship. Tonight he'd gotten home early.

"Hi," you mumbled, throwing your bag on the couch and heading to your room.

After you changed out of your work clothes and put on your swimwear underneath sweats and a t-shirt, you walked back in the kitchen. Gideon greeted you with a smile and used a fork to pick up a piece of sauteed meat from the pan.

"Try it."

You blew it off a little and then took a cautious bite. "Delicious!"

Gideon studied you as you swallowed the yummy, seasoned meat. You stopped to look at him.


"Has work gotten better?" Gideon asked.

"No," you frowned. "I just figured I need to be more enthusiastic."

"You should quit your job," Gideon began cooking again.

"I can't. We aren't able to keep up if I don't," you pointed out and sat on the couch, deciding to wait to get in the hot tub.

"My job got a raise," Gideon spoke from the kitchen. "Honestly, it's up to you."

You turned your head to watch him come from the kitchen with two plates of steaming food. He set a plate on the foot table in front of you.

"But I say you should just leave," Gideon began eating. "You hate the job and you aren't happy."

You ate thoughtfully, feeling Gideon's constant gaze on you. Once you finished, you took your plate and his plate into the kitchen, setting them in the sink. Gideon watched you even after you returned.

"You're wearing a bathing suit," Gideon spoke quietly.

"I wanted to take a dip, but I've decided not to," you shrugged, sighing and watching the TV.

"You could've at least let me put it on you," Gideon pouted.

"Next time," you mumbled, emotionless.

Suddenly Gideon was on top of you, his eyes full of something dangerous. You squealed and shrank beneath his shadow.

"What will it take for me to make you happier?"

"I'm happy," you argued. "I really am."

"Look at me in the eyes and say that," Gideon made you look at him by gripping your chin.

"I'm hap-" you started laughing.

"See? You can't say it!" Gideon chuckled and kissed your neck.

"Stop looking at me funny!" you giggled.

Gideon pulled away, still chuckling. He had gotten you into one of those moods where you didn't want him to leave. You touched his muscular bicep, getting his attention.


"Nothing," you shook your head.

It'd felt like a lifetime since the both of you had done things together. Since your stress at work, you often just came home, ate dinner and went to bed. Gideon did the same, too tired to do anything else. It felt like you two were growing apart.

"I'll be lifting."

You snapped out of your thoughts and watched Gideon go into the spare room to workout. Part of you wanted to join him, the other part wanted to rest on the couch. You closed your eyes for at least ten minutes, enjoying the silence.

Your silence was interrupted by grunting and clinking metal. You quickly got up to make sure everything was okay. When you rounded the corner to check, you saw Gideon beginning a new part to his workout on the pull-up bar.

His muscles held a thin sheet of sweat as they flexed to him pulling up his weight. He grunted a couple of times, adding to the hot image. You felt your gut quiver with anticipation as Gideon moved to another set of weights.

"Y/N!" Gideon noticed you, stopping to look at you without a shirt. "Come to join?"

You wanted to shake your head and say you wanted attention, but couldn't make yourself speak. Gideon smirked and walked towards you.

"Am I too much for you?" he taunted, playing another one of his games.

"Y-Yes," you shivered, feeling his warm body press you up against the hallway wall.

"Do you need affection?" Gideon murmured, his breath against your skin.

Before he could say anything else, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smashed your lips to his. Gideon pressed his body into you harder, making you let out a short breath of surprise. He smirked into the kiss and ran his hands up along your body.

You felt one of his hands travel up your leg, making you wrap it around his waist. Gideon made you let out a small moan when he bit your lip. You ran your hands through his hair, wrapping your other leg around his waist.

Gideon didn't take long to slam you down onto the bed in your room. You tangled your hands through his hair, feeling him grip your arms. He suddenly pinned your hands above your head and intertwined his fingers with yours. His tongue found yours in a heated battle for dominance; he won.

When the doorbell rang, Gideon pulled back and you grumbled in annoyance. He quickly got off of you and left the room, putting on a shirt beforehand.

"You left this out," it was one of the neighbors.

"Thank you," Gideon replied.

In the moments before he returned, you were already asleep in the center of the bed. Gideon tucked you in gently and kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight, love."

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