Loud Horns (Harper)

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"Harper!" you called the last name of your mischievous boyfriend.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Harper looked out from the kitchen, flour on his face from cooking.

"I'm going to go shower," you called from the top of the stairs.

"Was that an invitation?"

"No!" you shouted, laughing as Harper did.

You got into the shower within moments, completely stripped and completely vulnerable. The water was hot, allowing you to relax from your hard day at work. You hummed songs while you washed and slightly danced in the shower.

"That felt nice," you whispered, reaching out of the curtain to grab your towel.

When you couldn't feel it, you slowly stepped out of the shower. A loud horn going off made you jump out of your skin and let out a small scream.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" you screamed.

Harper started laughing from where he sat on the toilet lid, holding an air horn and your towel. You instantly covered your chest and turned slightly you he couldn't see the lower front or back.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before," Harper laughed.

"Get the hell out of here!" you grabbed your towel and and shoved him out of the the bathroom, slamming the door.

Harper went downstairs, his laughs echoing. You wanted to laugh with him, but you tried to stay angry. After a while, you went into your bedroom and got dressed into a simple, cozy outfit. You returned to the bathroom to brush your teeth for the evening.

The loud sound of the air horn going off again made you jump and spit toothpaste all over the mirror.

"HARPER!" you yelled, spitting out the toothpaste into the sink and and slamming your toothbrush down. "SERIOUSLY?"

Harper laughed, poking his head out from behind the shower curtain.

"Clean this up!" you motioned to the mirror, storming out of the room.

You went downstairs, anger coming off of you in waves. The cookies in the oven were almost done, radiating off a wonderful, sweet smell that made your mouth water. You began cleaning up some dishes, angrily scrubbing away.

"Y/N?" muscular, tattooed arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to a firm body.


"Are you mad that I scared you for once?"

You sighed, turning off the water, wiping off your hands and facing him. Harper held your waist, his hands dangerously close to your butt. You traced his shoulders and looked up into his eyes.

"Not mad, furious. And you've scared me before," you ran a finger down the bridge of his nose. "When you hurt your back."

"Were you afraid it would ruin my abilities in bed?" Harper was always such a dirty-minded man.

"That and your job," you pointed out.

"Mostly the abilities, right?" Harper pressed you back against the counter, his gaze darkening.

You let out a small laugh as he lifted you up onto the counter and started kissing your collarbone. You tangled your hands through his hair as he tightened his hold on you. A sigh escaped you when he caressed your breast.

"Easy now, you're going to burn those cookies," you pulled away.

Harper let out a grunt and then pulled away. Before he could get too far, you pecked his lips multiple times, the way he loved, and squeezed his arms.

"Later, darling, later," you whispered by his ear, making him squeeze your butt and you let out a squeal.

You watched as Harper pulled the cookies out of the oven, his muscles flexing only slightly.

Those mysterious muscles.


Okay, it's 2 am here and I'm EXTREMELY tired and grumpy. Don't complain if this is sucky, because it's the only thing I could come up with being this tired and trying to make up for the missed days with the last two.

I'll update later today when I wake up at probably like ten. Because I skipped, I'm going to try and update at least twice later today and call it the end of the challenge.

Goodnight everyone!


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