Stubbornly Annoying (Requested Zussman)

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"I need cover!"


To the short and chippy communication between the platoon, you moved forwards. It was near the end of the mission- Jeeps just around the corner- and you were feeling it; your muscles were sore and your shoulder ached from firing for so long. The mission had lasted most of the day. 

"Almost there," Turner commented as the group moved forwards. "Zussman, Y/L/N, take the left street and circle back." 

You let out an inward groan, wanting to disobey every last order, but banked left anyways. Zussman came up next to you and scanned the buildings on the right as the two of you took the detour. 

"Feeling all right Y/N? You look a little pale." 

"I'm just fine, thank you," you snapped. "Ready to be done with this thing." 

Zussman nodded agreement, growing more silent as you rounded the corner to the right. A group of Nazis stood at the center, talking in low voices. You immediately began to fire, hitting one of the men, while Zuss knocked out two others. 

"We clear them out and then we'll be clear to the evac," you shouted over the fire to Zussman. 

You each crouched behind sandbags on either sides of the street. The Germans continued to shoot in spurts, liking hoping to piss you off enough to make you pop up and return fire, giving them the perfect opportunity to plant a bullet in your head. 

"One left!" Zussman announced as he poked around, rather than over, the sandbags. "He's down!" 

You moved forwards, heading for the Jeeps. "All right, let's-" 

You let out a loud "hmpf" as pain ricocheted through your left calf. Your head turned to see the hidden Nazi and you shot him down as you collapsed to the street. 

"Fuck! Ow! He shot my fucking leg!" you gasped, heaved, as you sat on your haunches and gripped the back of your calf. 

"Y/N!" Zussman darted up to you, crouching while laying down his weapon. "Shit!" 

As he swept down to help you up, you shrugged him off. "I'm fine, cover me." 

You pushed off the pebbly ground, pain grinding into the deepest part of your calf as you used the muscles there. You stood straight for a second, gaining balance you thought would stick. Zussman eyed you carefully, still nearby from when you'd told him to not help you. 

"Okay, they're probably waiting," you began to step forwards, limping on the bad leg. 

"Are you sure you don't want some support?" Zuss demanded as you moved at a snail's pace. 

"Zussman," you snapped, "I said I would be-" 

To your words, your balance and body gave you away. You went for the street again, heading face-first, but Zussman awkwardly caught you. One hand on your bicep and the other placed around your back, he looked into your eyes with disbelief. 

"Just take the damn help." 

"No, no," you tried to move away as you stepped forwards again. "I don't need help." 

Zussman refused to release you, forcing you to wiggle out of his grasp. He quickly lathed back onto you again, making you groan in annoyance. 

Your leg gave out a third time, causing you to fall into Zuss. You let out another "hmpf" as your face got lost in the uniformed chest of your comrade. He tried to make you stand straight by wiggling as you wiggled, inevitably making everything worse. 

"You stubborn ass," he murmured as he finally brought you away from his chest, looking into your fiery gaze with a smile. 

"I'm not," your head was feeling even more heavy, vision making it look like the world was spinning. 

Zussman's face was the last thing you saw before passing out. 


When you woke you found yourself in a sleeping sack on a cot. Your eyes adjusted to the lighting and you looked to where Turner was having a conversation with Zussman. Upon seeing you stir, Turner's lips hesitated and Zussman spun around.

"Y/N! You're awake!" 

You shifted to sit slightly upwards as Zussman hustled to your bedside, his soft eyes on you. Turner gave you a respectful nod before leaving the tent, leaving you and Zussman alone. 

"My leg hurts like a bitch," you groaned, rubbing your face. 

"It will for the next two weeks," Zuss eyed your covered legs. "Doc said you have at least a month till fully healed." 

"Well," you gazed around. "At least we won't be going anywhere soon. I'm going to be bored and annoyed stuck at camp though." 

"I'll stick around for you." 

You gave him a look. "That will just annoy me more." 

"Hey!" Zussman's hand shot out, gently bumping your shoulder and you smirked. "You're the one who's stubbornly annoying." 

"Stubborn isn't annoying." 

"Yes it is." 

"No it's not." 

Zussman let out a very frustrated sigh and you smiled again. You loved annoying him at every chance you had. It was part of the beautiful relationship you had with the man...among other things. 

"I'm just glad you're okay," his fingers held your chin upwards. "You really had me worried when you passed out." 

You bowed your head, feeling the pressure of his fingers bring it back up again. "Like I had control over it." 

"Maybe if you would've let me lead..." 

"It just happened to be that way, okay?" you grumbled. "I don't always try to-" 

He cut you off with a smooth and sweet kiss. Upon pulling away he smiled at you. "Hush. Don't arguing." 

You pouted slightly, gazing upwards into his calming eyes. Zussman kissed your lips again, one hand moving downwards to your gut where he softly scraped his fingers. You twitched. 

"Are you trying to tickle me?" 

Zussman smirked when you pulled away from his lips. He moved his fingers again and you wiggled on the cot, beginning to giggle. You knew he loved your laugh, but it wasn't something you wanted to hear usually. 

"Stop stop stop!" you whined, rounding out your back to protect your sensitive stomach. "I should be healing, not moving around." 

Zussman pecked your cheek. "You're right. I'll let you rest." 

He stood, walking to the door. As he reached it he turned, arms going out in a shrug. "Besides, can't leave Pierson waiting." 

You narrowed your eyes playfully at him. "I better see you later." 

"Oh darling," Zuss smirked as he exited the tent, "have no doubt." 


So I have to apologize that this is short and likely shitty. I just endured the most daunting essay this weekend and my fingers are donezo. I'm also sorry if there are mistakes as my fingers are practically dragging across the keyboard at this point.

Hope you enjoyed nonetheless! I'm getting caught up with requests now. Over a dozen is a LOT to write! Keep them coming though!! ;) 

Happy Sunday...back to hell (or heaven if you enjoy your week I guess) tomorrow y'all! 


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