The First Date (Logan)

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"Where are we going?" you asked for a sixth time, riding next to Logan in his car.

It was your first date, and you were seriously starting to get nervous. Wherever Logan was taking you, it was far from any town or city.

"I promise you'll love it," Logan glanced to me.

You sighed and slouched against the seat. When you rounded a corner on the highway, your eyes widened. Logan smiled to your reaction at the beautiful cove.

"Oh, Logan," you whispered.

As you both walked down to the beach, you noticed a picnic set up. Logan motioned for you to sit down and then followed your movement, sitting across from where you did.

For hours, you both spoke of everything there was to talk about, especially you two.


Sorry, changing some things up a little. These may start to be shorter, but quickly updated. By the way, so sorry it's been forever! I've been so distracted on other stories and life in general. I promise it won't be as long this time!

1K? :) 

Also, a random question that I want all of you to answer honestly:


Just wondering....


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