Breaking Point (Requested Harper)

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"You stupid fuck!" you shouted, throwing your helmet to ground. "I had him! If you wouldn't have pushed me-"

"Then you'd be dead!" Harper roared back, seething with just as much anger as you.

Mason stood by rather quietly, watching the situation unfold in amusement. Never had you and Harper gotten along, but this fight was the worst by far. You wanted to kill him this time.

"As much as you fight with me, I'm surprised you didn't let it happen!"

"Section," Harper looked to his comrade, "a little help here?"

"I think you have it all under control," Mason gave him a thumbs-up and then darted out of the room.

"You think you have control over me, but you don't," you glared at Harper as he faced you again. "I'm tired of this!"

"Get the hell over it."

"Fuck you!" you screeched, throwing your jacket at him.

"Oh, we're getting violent now?" he shouted, throwing it back at you.

"I'm just trying to get you away from me!"

"You're trying to run away from an argument?" Harper questioned as you headed for the exit. "That's okay, I'm right anyways."

You stopped, steaming like a damn tea kettle, and then faced him. "Mike Harper, you are such an asshole."

"Still running," Harper called out even as you stormed from the room.

You were so angry, a headache made your forehead pulse. Your cheeks were lit up with frustration and your fists were clenched in annoyance. Harper seriously needed to stop. He hadn't said much this time, but before he had. Before, he'd been completely rude to the point that you wanted to cry when you were alone.

He was so used to walking all over women. You weren't one of those women and he struggled with it. By struggling, he was just rude and argued with you all the time.

At a time, closer to when you'd first met him, you had found Harper attractive- sarcasticness and all. Now, those feelings were buried deep inside and would likely never, ever reappear. He'd said too much to hurt you.

Retiring to your quarters, you slammed the door shut. You didn't want to bother with dinner because you didn't want to deal with him. Mason could deal with the bastard.

You stayed in your uniform as you took off all the gear you still wore. While it was supposed to be back in the armory, you had stormed out too quickly to strip it all off. It was going to have to be something you did tomorrow first thing.

It wasn't long until there was a short knock on your door. You didn't move from where you stood on your little balcony, overlooking a courtyard of the base.

"Come in."

The door opened and then closed. You didn't look back at who had entered because you knew it was Mason. He was going to try to talk to you, especially because this was the first time you'd retreated to your quarters over an argument. Sense was something he did well at giving.

"I brought you something to eat."

You spun around, glaring at Harper instead. He set down a paper plate with your favorite picks of the Wednesday night food choices. His darker eyes raised to meet your e/c ones, seeming calmer than before.

"What do you want?" you turned away, returning back to the view.

"I wanted to apologize."

"Ha," you huffed. "Hilarious."

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