Tuxedo Rental (Mitchell)

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It was your normal day at work, helping people find clothes or outfitting them. You loved your job and loved both the rude and kind people that would come in. This day seemed normal with customers coming in and out regularly.

Ding ding.

The bell on the door made you glance over from helping an older lady with her shirt. "Good morning, take a look around. I'll be with you in just a moment," a smile came to your face even though you couldn't see who it was.

"He's a young fellow, pretty handsome," Mrs. Fitzgerald, a very loyal customer, was whispering to you and leaning from side to side, getting a better look at the person who just walked in.

"Oh, Mrs. Fitzgerald," you rolled your eyes and sighed. "There isn't a guy that could handle me."

Turning around to go to the register and ring up her things, you froze to your spot. A man that was taller than you was standing patiently by the register. Your jaw dropped just slightly when you saw his blue eyes turn to look over at you. You thought you saw a small smile form on his face before you looked away.

"What's the total this time?" Mrs. Fitzgerald asked, walking right up to the muscular man and waiting for you to ring everything up.

"Thirty," you said coolly, feeling the man's eyes on you.

"Come on, that has to be a discount!"

"Nope," you smiled. "I don't charge much, especially for friends."

You finished helping the older lady and then she left in silence, smiling at the man who had come in earlier. After closing everything up, you turned to face the good-looking man.

"Can I help you?"

"I need to buy some nice tux pants for a wedding," you tried not frown when you realized it could be his wedding.

"I have some in stock," you smiled lightly. "Follow me."

You walked out from behind the counter and started towards the back of the store.

"So do you own this place?" the man asked you, following close behind.

"Kind of," you said while looking through a rack of tuxedo pants. "My grandmother gave it to me shortly after my mother passed away."


"I love talking about my family. You don't have to feel bad. What's your size?" you changed the subject.

After the man took his pants to try them on, you returned to the register and rang up the price of the pants. A few people came in and you greeted them happily. The man finally returned and put the pants on the counter.

"They'll work. How much?"

"Eighty. That's if you're buying them. If you want to rent, it's forty a day...if they come back just as they're leaving," you smiled and so did the man.

"I'll rent it then," the man handed you forty dollars.

"You just have to fill this form out," you pushed the bill and a clipboard back to him. "Set a date you'll be returning it and if you don't return it by then, you'll have to pay the price of the pants and how much it cost me to make it."

The man nodded while filling out his contact info and setting a date for tomorrow evening. "Okay."

His dark brown hair was thick and slightly longer than most men would keep their hair. It moved as he nodded and you could only help but admire the stranger.

"What's your name?" you asked suddenly as the man slid the clipboard back.

"Jack," the man looked up from the clipboard to you, his eyes narrowed slightly. "Yours?"

"Y/N," you spoke smoothly.

"Well Y/N, I must be going," Jack took his pants and started to leave.

"Nice to meet you, Jack!" you called out one more time before he disappeared out the door.

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