The First Date (Gideon)

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You were rather surprised when you received a text from the man who'd rescued you. You two had been talking back and forth, but now that Gideon said he was taking you on a date, you felt a little uneasy. What if he wasn't who he said he was?

Gideon came to pick you up two hours later. You were nervous, but a part of you trusted everything would be okay around him. The smile you first noticed on him proved your assumption to be correct.

"Hi," Gideon smiled.

"Hey," you smiled back.

"You look gorgeous," Gideon's London-accented voice made his comment sound even sweeter than it was.

"And you handsome," you replied.

"Are you ready to go?" Gideon offered his hand.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"Somewhere special," Gideon smiled.

It took Gideon ten minutes to drive to the fancy restaurant. When he parked the car, Gideon ran around it so he could help you out. His hand was warm and gentle, lifting you up with ease. Your F/C dress made you look stunning, even you could agree with that.

"Order anything you like," Gideon murmured to you as he held your hand on the way to your table.

"I'll take the whole menu then," you giggled.

Gideon smirked and then sat across from you. It took almost an hour for the food to be served, but during that time you learned so much of each other. Slowly, you were beginning to like Gideon more and more.

After dinner, Gideon walked next to you out of the restaurant. You both passed a group of smoking men who eyed you hungrily. Gideon put a muscular arm around your waist, pulling you closer. It made you feel more comfortable and you pressed into his muscular body to prevent a shiver of fear from traveling through your body.

"Thank you," you said to him once you both were in the car again.

"I'll never let anything like that happen to you, Y/N," Gideon promised you.

A smiled played on your lips and you nodded in agreement. "I'll hold you to that."


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