Oh...Uh...Hi (Requested Logan)

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It was the night of the varsity soccer game. The guys were playing against the school rivals for the trip to the championship game. You decided to tag along with a few friends to cheer on the team.

"They're still warming up," one of your friends noticed as you made your way to the bleachers. "I'm going to go talk to you-know-who."

You rolled your eyes, never understanding how your friend could have a crush on the soccer player she did. You decided to follow her, thinking it was best to try and not make things too awkward between her and the guy.

"Hey, Y/N!" a shout sounded. "Watch out!"

Without time to react, you felt your whole world shut out. When you opened your eyes a few seconds later, a handsome player was leaning over you. Logan Walker, one of the new kids in school. You already admired him.

"Are you okay?" Logan demanded, leaning over you. "I'm so sorry!"

"I'm okay," you tried to sit up with some dizziness. "Apology accepted."

"Follow my finger with your eyes," Logan stated, holding his pointer up.

When Logan moved the finger side to side and up and down, you felt sharp loads of pain in the right side of your head. Logan seemed to catch on to this right away.

"I think you might have a concussion, Y/N," Logan frowned. "I'll walk you to the trainer."

"But I'm not a sports player," you complained. "What about your game?"

"Screw the game," Logan kicked the soccer ball lightly to the side as he helped you up. "Injuries are always more important."

Logan dribbled the soccer ball between his legs and did tricks while you both slowly walked back to the trainer's room. You felt awkward around such an amazing soccer player; most of the girls in your school fell head over heels for the new 17-year-old. Slowly, you found you were starting to take a liking to the kid too.

"She got hit in the head with a soccer ball," Logan was explaining when you came out of your thoughts. "Concussion, I think."

The trainer did a few exercises with you and agreed with Logan. It didn't take long for two Tylenol and a glass of water to make their way into your hands. Logan quickly got ice from the machine and gave it to you for your head. Though the trainer advised you went home, you decided to continue to watch the game, using cheap earplugs.

Logan ran out to the field ahead of you, apologizing once last time. You didn't mind walking alone and made your way back up to sit with your friends. They looked at you worriedly. After reassuring them, you started watching the game.

After the game, Logan found you after changing in the locker room. He wore sweats, an Under Armor jacket, socks, and slides. His soccer bag swung with him as he walked to the trainer's room, which was where you were filling out papers for a doctor's appointment.

"How do you feel?" Logan leaned against the counter next to you, looking at your focused eyes.

"Pretty dizzy and there's a lot of ringing," you admitted. "Nice job out there. That goal won the game."

Logan almost seemed like the type of guy to brag, but he didn't. "The passes from my teammates were what helped me."

Your heart melted a little to Logan's kindness. "You're a good guy, Logan."

Logan smiled and glanced to the paper. "Need help?"

"No," you admitted.

"Y/N isn't allowed to drive home," the trainer stated from wrapping a player's knee. "Can you drive her home Logan?"

"No problem," Logan smiled and faced you. "Need anything out of your car?"

"No," you finished the paper. "I have my purse with everything I need in it, so we can go whenever you want to."

Logan nodded. "I'm ready now."

You both left the trainer's room and walked across the large school parking lot to Logan's car. It was a cute little Toyota, brand new, and you secretly adored it. Logan opened the door for you and reminded you not to bonk your head.

"Where do you live?" Logan asked.

After you told him the directions, he easily tapped the address into his phone and started the car. Because it had been rather cold outside, Logan turned on the heater and stopped by a coffee shop on the way home.

"Thank you for everything," you smiled, sipping your hot drink.

"Anytime. Like I said, injuries come first," Logan smiled.

You knew this was for more than just your concussion. "Do you mind doing me one more favor?"

"Sure, what?" Logan glanced to you.

"Since I'm not going to be at school for all of next week, do you mind collecting all of the classwork? I mean, if you can't then that's fine-"

"I'll do it," Logan stopped in front of your house. "Do you need me to walk you up to your door?"

"No," you dreaded the thought of Logan meeting your parents. "Thank you."

Logan dipped his head and watched your balance as you carefully got out of the car. Before you reached your front door, you turned and waved to Logan. He waved back and smiled brightly.

Now you were starting to see why your friend liked soccer players so much.

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