Partners (Requested Logan)

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I just realized it's been a long time since a Logan update. Sorry Logan-Lovers!

And no, I don't have a thing for police officers, it's just that my only ideas are around that force! ;)

Keep requesting away lovelies!



"Where are the targets located?"

"They are still on their way sir. However we have his apartment: third floor, room number 114B," you replied evenly to your Chief through your radio. "They have no idea we're here, sir."

"Good, I intend to keep it that way."

The Chief went silent as he went to look at more aspects of the arrest and watch the show about to go down. You were after a highly illegal drug dealer. He was one the force had been tracking for years, attempting to find and kill him to end his lifestyle.

You didn't really understand the dealer's motives, anyways. If one wanted to be a successful drug dealer, wouldn't they keep the same clients? This dealer did nothing but cheat his buyers and sometimes even killed them.

"Hey, Tenderfoot!"

You snapped out of your trance of idiotic drug dealing to face your best friend Logan Walker. He grinned, flashing straight white teeth, and crossed his muscular arms as he leaned against the undercover police car you'd come in. With his hair short, but not too short, and styled off to the side with gel, Logan looked like one of those gay models that posed as police men- something you very much liked to make fun of him with.

"You're late."

"I know," Logan's eyes moved towards the building. "Anything?"

You sighed, "I haven't found sign of the meeting yet, but they're supposedly on their way."

"According to?"

You shot Logan a look. "Chief."

Logan let out a huff of disbelief, uncrossing his arms to adjust something on his uniform. You stepped towards him, touching his bare forearm.

"Something has been off with you lately. Do you know something I don't?"

Logan shrugged away from your hand. "Of course not, I tell you everything."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, exactly."

You prompted him with a cock of your eyebrow. Logan sighed and then fully faced you again, his eyes mindlessly searching yours.

"I just have my doubts about Chief. He's the one who's been acting off."

You bit the inside of your cheek. "Maybe, but-"

"Look," Logan suddenly hissed, ducking down into the shadow of the alley and vehicle.

You followed his actions, glaring towards the darkly dressed figure that stopped in the center of the empty back parking lot. Your e/c eyes narrowed when the figure glanced around and then whistled.

From the opposite side of the lot, another figure approached, however not darkly dressed. The man was in a loud tuxedo with a shiny base and black designs. His tie was a silver color- nothing near matching- and his hands were covered by black gloves.

"There that bastard is," Logan breathed.

His breath was on the right side of your neck, peeking over your shoulder to watch the private dealing in front of you. You found your mind wander from the scene to the warmth of Logan's hand propped beside your leg and how his breath smelled like those thin mint chocolates he loved so much.

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