Sibling Search (Ghosts)

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It had been two years since Logan's disappearance and you had never once stopped searching.

Even in battle.

Even in grocery stores.

The Ghost team helped you search, doing it mostly when you couldn't. They conducted missions that were both undercover and overt. Any information was reported to you in simpler terms, because you weren't exactly qualified for the job.

Who were you exactly?

The sister of Logan and David Walker.

You had two jobs, one was partially working for the Ghosts with organization and the filing of papers, while the other was working in another, lower-key office. You secretly loved your job with the Ghosts more- the thrill that came with it was much more interesting and fulfilling. Not only that, but you had a certain head-over-heels liking for one of the Ghost soldiers.

"Y/N," you spun around in the chair sitting in a side filing room, facing Keegan.

His blue eyes traveled over the piles of work you'd been sorting through, giving away none of his emotions. As the closed-off person he was, Keegan never met your curious gaze. Instead, he kept looking at the papers.

"We may have found a general location of Logan's whereabouts."

You stifled a gasp and stood up. "Where?"

"In a faraway city," he was so annoyingly basic sometimes.

"That's not telling me where."

Keegan's cheek twitched and he crossed his fitted arms. "I don't have to, technically."

"Technically? You want to talk about being technical?" you bravely stepped forwards. "Technically, you walked into my office without asking. Technically I'm Logan's immediate family and so it's required I know."

The two of you were almost nose to nose now, Keegan calmer than yourself. His blue eyes had welded to yours, never melting away. You felt uncomfortable, but pushed anyways.

"Technically I'm supposed to be tough and not cry about my missing brother," you felt the tears that had wanted to fall for the entire two years and silently cursed to yourself. "But I am, because I miss him so much!"

Keegan had become as still as a stone to the surge of emotion in the room. You continued to sob, breaking away from his solid form and looking at your feet with increasing anger.

"Technically, Keegan Russ, I feel like I deserve to know," you paused for a long time. "God, I just want him to be okay, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself if-"

Your words were cut off as Keegan crushed your form to his in a tight embrace.

It was unexpected....but utterly loved.

You wrapped your arms around him, feeling the hard muscles of his stomach and back as you did so. Your sobbing stopped while you reprimanded yourself for even beginning to cry. What was that emotion? Why did you make yourself do such a horrid thing?

"I promise you that we're going to find him," Keegan's voice was hoarse.

"You're sure?"

"I don't make promises I can't keep."

A tiny smile lifted your lips and you quickly released Keegan, reminding yourself that it wasn't appropriate to do such a thing. You immediately missed his tight embrace and he too seemed taken aback that you'd disappeared from it so instantly. 

"I want to speak with Merrick," you decided, wiping your eyes. 

Keegan studied you for a long moment, his wise eyes searching your own younger ones. He was looking for ways to prevent you from going and learning more about your brother, you just knew it. Well, he wasn't going to win this time. 

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