The EMT (Requested Logan)

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You received the call five minutes before you were done with work for the night. There had been a bad accident three miles away and the driver was in bad shape. You, being a skilled EMT, arrived on the scene before anyone else could.

"Please move away from the vehicle!" you commanded bystanders and set up flares to make sure no other traffic would hit the totaled vehicle.

The entire front end of the white car was dented inwards, creating major trauma to the only person in the car. He was barely awake, the side of his head bleeding heavily. You pried open the door.

"Sir, I'm an EMT here to help you, please do not move," you used your flashlight to shine it on the man's bloody thigh. "State your name if you can."

"L-Logan," the man was losing too much blood too quickly.

You continued to patch up Logan's head, his bright eyes rolling backwards occasionally as he struggled to stay awake.

"Do you know what happened, sir?"

"S-Someone hit..."

"Shh," you hushed, deciding speaking wouldn't help the man. "Alright, I need to move you out of the vehicle now, sir."

Logan attempted a nod, but you ignored it by skillfully wrapping each of your arms underneath him. You half-lifted, half-dragged Logan out of the car, settling him onto the stretcher you'd brought beforehand. 

An ambulance was already at the scene, rushing to Logan's aid. You continued to blot his wounds. Your eyes flickered to where Logan tried to stare at your face, his body weakening at every second. 

"We'll get him to the hospital from here," a male told me as he helped lift the stretcher. 

You nodded and stood up, staring after the bloody stretcher in worry. What if you hadn't done your job right? What if Logan died because of you? 

You shook off your thoughts by going back to the car. You picked up your bag off the roof of it and glanced inside. Logan's phone and wallet were perfectly in the cup holder, almost smiling up at you. 

With slight hesitation, you picked up the two items and stuffed each in your back pocket. 


"Hi, I'd like to see Logan Walker," you stopped at the desk on the third floor. 

The lady glared upwards at you. "He's in critical condition at this time and no one is allowed to see him." 

You narrowed your eyes. "You're lying or you'd be more upset about it."

"Strangers aren't allowed to go see him," another nurse, a male, set something on the desk and looked to you.

"I'm the EMT who rescued him," you stated. "I demand to see him." 

"Only people with family relationships are allowed to see him at this time," the lady changed her words. "Not EMTs." 

You let out a cautious sigh and decided to lie. "Look, I'm not just any EMT, I'm also his girlfriend. I want to see him." 

The two looked to you for a long time and then the male slowly nodded his head. "Very well. First door on the right and then two doors down on the left." 

"Thank, sir," you tried to look sincere even though you wanted both of them to fuck off. 

You traveled quickly down the hallway, mapping out the large hospital as you did so. Logan's room was close that of an ICU one, except he wasn't exactly on life support- that you knew of at least. 

"God dammit, you're always reckless," someone was speaking as you entered. 

A man with light bronze hair and green eyes looked to you. "Hi, there." 

"I'm Y/N," you stated, "the EMT who came to help Logan." 

"Hi," Logan let out a weak smile. 

"I'm Hesh, his older brother," the man at the foot of the bed shot you a small smile. "Thank you." 

"C-Can I have a moment?" you asked. 

"Of course," Hesh stood up. "Be warned though, those drugs have him a little loopy." 

You laughed. "Trust me, I've seen and heard worse." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Logan mumbled as you took over Hesh's seat. 

"It was a compliment," you smiled. 

Logan sighed and rested his head back against the pillow, almost making you wish his gorgeous eyes were on you. You leaned against the bed. 

"I brought you your wallet and phone from your car," you set the two objects on his little side table. "Figured you might want them." 

Logan studied you for a moment, as if judging the very way you breathed. 

"I didn't go through any of it, I swear." 

"Wasn't worried if you did." 

You chuckled. "How you feeling?" 

"Better," Logan swallowed, "now that you're here." 

"Oh?" you almost choked on your own saliva. 

"You're the most pretty woman I've ever seen, Y/N." 

"Well, thank you," you secretly told yourself it was the drugs, though you couldn't help but blush a little. 

"I'm serious, it's not the drugs talking either," Logan smirked. 

Your smile widened a little more. 


Sorry, kind of sucky and unedited, but I really wanted to get this one posted because it's been a while since it was even requested. :( 

More updates to come, hope you enjoy! 


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