I'm Your Dorm-Mate! (Soap)

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"Mom, I promise," you rolled your eyes to your worried mother.

"And your toothbrush? Please tell me you remembered that much!"

"MOM!" you hugged her. "I love you. I'm going to be okay."

"It's just weird to think of you like this, an adult...in college," your mom started crying.

"Goodbye, mom," you kissed her cheek and backed away.

Picking up the last box of personal items, you began towards the building where your dorm room was located. Mostly everything had been packed in there earlier with the help of your mom, but this was the last of it. You were truly in college now.

"Shite!" a loud voice yelled in your room once you entered the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" you demanded towards the brown-haired man standing in the middle of the room.

"I live here," he snapped back with a Scottish accent. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Y/N," you spoke boldly. "I was told I'm not sharing a room, especially with a guy."

"Too bad for you," he turned and plopped down on the made bed.

You'd seen it earlier, but figured no one was sleeping in it. Now you were seriously dreading college. The man turned on his TV, completely ignoring you.

"What's your name?"

"John," the man turned his head to look at you casually.

"Well, John," you swallowed angrily, "I'm obviously an organized person, so this," you motioned to his messy drawer, "isn't going to work."

"Too bad," John shrugged.

You grumbled and got out your shower supplies. Leaving the room, you went to shower. It didn't take you as long as you wanted it to, but you returned with a towel in your hair nonetheless. John was snacking on a box of crackers and closing his blinds.

"What is it with girls and taking long showers?"

"I was gone six minutes," you gave him a "really?" look.

"Too long," John opened up a can of soda.

"What is it with you and saying 'too?'" you challenged.

"You're too everything," he mumbled.

You grumbled and plopped down on your bed, combing out your hair in angered silence. John, after several minutes, threw the crush soda can at you. Jumping, you glared over at him.

"Lighten up, you're in college now," John almost smiled.

"With an asshole," you mumbled.

"I can be a dick, if you get on my bad side, but I promise you I can also be nice."

You huffed. "Yeah right."

"Don't believe me?" John sat up, his muscular arms flexing just slightly. "Ask me to do something a nice person would do."

"No thanks," you sneered.

John almost looked defeated. He rested back on his bed again. You shut the dorm room door and and rested back on your bed, grabbing your favorite blanket and closing your eyes.

"Did you throw out your shoulder while moving?" John suddenly asked and you turned to face him from your bed, tilting your head. "Come here."

You felt extremely awkward, but got out of bed anyways, taking your blanket with you. John patted his bed. You shook your head.

"Just trust me," John pulled you down.

Within seconds, he started rubbing your shoulders. You tried to stay tense, but his touch was impossible to stay as so. John was silent, seeming to watch TV. You distracted yourself by looking at his papers on his small desk.

"Military?" you wondered.

"Going to join," John replied. "I'm preparing now."

"Oh," you moved your gaze downwards.

"There, give it a rest and it should be fine," John stopped rubbing your shoulders.

Before you could get up, John stopped you by whispering into your ear. Your entire body froze with his breath.

"See? I can be nice."

"You still have a lot to prove," you taunted and shrugged away from him, getting up in the dark room.

The TV had a dark moment and for a split second you couldn't see. Tripping over your own blanket in the darkness, you let out a frightened yelp of surprise.

John was suddenly there, his arms holding you. You moved your gaze to gaze at him. John met your eyes in silence, not shifting his arms.

"W-Why did you-"

John suddenly froze, listening to something in the distance. You tilted your head as he swept you up off your feet and put you on his bed. Within moments, John was on top of you.

"Act like we're doing things!"

You were taken aback, suddenly being forced to run your hands up John's bare abs. The door suddenly opened and John turned his head angrily.

"Get out of here!" John told the group of guys laughing. "Can't you see I'm busy."

"Beating her ass instead of having us beat yours, hah!" one thick guy taunted.

With that, the door shut, leaving John to face you again. A deep red blush was covering your cheeks now and you hoped he couldn't see it. John let out a sigh and fell to the side, closing his eyes.

"Who were those guys?" you questioned.

"Just some assholes," John growled. "Go."

"You let them-"

"Go," John grabbed your wrists tightly and you flinched under his fierce gaze. "Please, just go to bed."

"Tell me who they are!"

"My enemies, alright?" John hissed, his breath close to your lips.

"They bully you?" you pressed.

He hesitated before slowly nodding. You let out a sigh of sorrow and suddenly wrapped your arms around John's neck, hugging him in his own bed.

"I won't let them do that again," you slid back and, finally, out of the bed. "Goodnight, John."


You huddled into your covers, your back to John.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"My friends call me Soap," John whispered.

A small smile found your lips. "Soap."


You didn't reply, but instead felt John's eyes watching you carefully as you fell asleep.


Person was requested, but my own weird idea.

Possible part 2??? Up to you all, comment what you want. :)


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