Personal Prisoner (Requested Salen Kotch)

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He wasn't human because his eyes were too much like a shark's. They studied you, hoping to get you to twitch, move even an inch. You didn't. You returned his gaze with eyes of your own- the second shark awaiting prey.

"Tell me where he is and I'll let you go, Y/N."

His voice was a fork against a plate; it made you want to cringe, throw up and scream all at the same time. You refrained by lifting your head in strength you could barely muster.

"I don't know know where he is."

"I'm sure you do," he circled behind your chair and watched your inert reaction. "After all, you were just leaving for a mission."

"That doesn't mean I know where he is," you snapped. "You're the terrorist, are you not? You should know!"

His lips turned upwards into a tiny, unique, yet intimidating, smile. It made your chest flutter in delight, however your instincts also made you want to slap the emotion right off his face. God, you didn't know what the hell to do. 

"If you really don't know, then there's nothing more I can do for you," he tested. "My men will deal with you the way they want. As long as I never see you again."

You secretly hated the idea of never being able to see Salen Kotch again. Yes, you furiously admitted it, you'd fallen in love with the bastard the past week he'd been holding you captive. You hated it, but you loved it at the same time. It made you feel rebellious, which was something you always loved to feel.

"Never again?" you choked out as Salen moved to exit the empty room.

"Did I stammer?"

You found yourself unable to hold back. "I can't do that."

"Do what?" he narrowed his dark eyes.

"I can't go forever without seeing you," it sounded so cliché, yet it was entirely true. "I mean, this last week has been confusing for me and I think I need an explanation from you."

"I don't owe you an explanation," Salen came slightly closer, lowering to become eye-level with you. "I owe you nothing."

"You owe me an explanation as to you imprisoned me in the first place."

Salen Kotch was suddenly so close now and a small part of you wished to stab his gorgeously mysterious eyes out. "I wanted you to be my own personal prisoner, Y/N. I wanted you to be mine."

"In what way?"

His lips thinned and you stifled an annoyed grumble.

"Explain, Kotch. Explain why the hell you-"

And then it was all over for you. Because Salen Kotch, your worst enemy, was kissing you. You couldn't do anything about it nor deny that you despised it. It felt so unreasonably good.

"Because I think you're beautiful, Y/N," Salen murmured once he pulled away. "I want you to be mine."

The words spilled from your mouth before you could stop them.

"Then make me yours."

His hands were suddenly unbinding your wrists from the cuffs that trapped them. He was suddenly lifting you up onto his waist and enclosing you against a cold wall, his lips exploring yours.

Your eyes opened, revealing that he'd left his knife on the counter nearby. You took notice to how much he was dwelling on your jaw and then your throat. You played along by tangling his thick locks of masculine-smelling hair through your fingers.

Then he was away from you as you stuck the knife into his shoulder.

"You bitch!" Kotch moved after your small frame as it reached the exit.

You let out a frightened squeal as he clutched onto you and slammed your head against the door frame. You stumbled back onto your butt and then to your back. Kotch landed on top of you with a grunt.

"You tricked me," he looked sincerely hurt.

You let out a huff of laughter. "Like I would believe you in the first place!"

Kotch gingerly pulled away, ripping the knife out of his shoulder. You crawled away to watch him play with the knife. If he attempted to kill you, you'd succeed first.

"Leave, before I do something I regret."

His words surprised you and you let out a silent gasp. "You're supposed to try to kill me."

"I'm not going to," he whispered, holding his shoulder.

He actually loves me.

Your thoughts clouded your vision as you stood up to exit. They made your feet pause, your gaze turn to the bleeding enemy and your emotions soar. Could you really leave him? He actually had humanly feelings for you. Could you really throw those away?

"L-Let me fix your wound."

"You're not leaving?" he sounded hopeful.

You met his gaze steadily. "No."

Salen gently cupped the back of your head, bringing you closer to him. You rested your head against his collar bone, listening to his heartbeat. Salen moved his head back against the wall where he sat.

"Thank you."

"I'm pretty sure you don't thank your prisoners," you teased as you began to examine his shoulder.

"You're my personal prisoner," Salen reminded with a tense smile. "I can say whatever I want."

You let out a small laugh and blotted his shoulder. His gaze was impossible to ignore as you looked over at him. Kotch touched your hand and closed his eyes in a peaceful harmony.

Personal prisoner.

You could get used to that title.

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