The Bandana (Requested Woods)

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You watched him talk to comrades, his voice bellowing and thick. While he was a sight, muscles and dark hair and toughness, your eyes pinpointed your actual target. On his head, it sat perfectly folded and untouched. 

Walking into the rec room without Woods knowing, you held up a finger to Mason. He watched you enter and decided to keep your presence a secret. With a victorious grin, you proceeded to sneak up behind Woods. 

"It's not our job, it's-" Woods didn't finish his sentence because you had easily, mischievously plucked his bandana right off his head.

You didn't stand around for an extra second, just long enough to see the stunned look on his face of course, before sprinting back the way you'd come. There was a loud rumble of your name, a polite excusal for himself, and then thundering footsteps. 

Woods was faster than you on foot without a doubt, but your head start left you time to mix up the maze of hallways and rooms. You darted through tighter places, leaving Woods to heave his larger form through them. He only let the distance between you two extend.

Coming around a corner, you hesitated to an unexpected blockade. Two men were moving a desk, each of them on either side of it, and were in the middle of the damn path. You thought to turn around, but the huffing of Woods forced you to run for it.

You sneakily slid underneath the desk the two men lifted, laughing when Woods let out a loud "FUCK YOU" and continuing through the back end of the base. Woods was definitely a ways behind you at this point. He would never know where to look to find you with his bandana.

You let out another giggle as you weaved to the direction of your quarters. While you didn't plan on actually going into them, the option was there. There was also a lock on the door to save yourself from the wrath of Woods. 

You didn't know what led you to want to fuck with Woods all the time. Part of it was your secret crush on him and another was your joy to his hilarious reactions. Like the time you'd put shaving cream on his piece of pie rather than whipped cream...oh, fun times. He'd just about shoved the entire can down your throat in retaliation, pinning you on the wrestling mats.

This were a little fearful of what he would do. No one ever messed with his bandana or really anything that was his for that matter. You'd taken a huge risk, but the initial reaction had been priceless. If it got you discharged...then you weren't so sure about it being worth it. 

Snaking around the corner to finally reach your quarters, you froze from your lengthy sprint. Woods stood in the middle of the hallway, arms crossed and eyes narrowed into furious slits. You didn't even question how he'd gotten to this spot before you. Instead, you gulped and braced to run for it again- though this time he would be able to close the distance. 

"You shouldn't have done that," Woods pressed forwards and you naturally began to back up. 

"No?" you tried to stay steady. "You gotta admit that this has been fun." 

Woods only narrowed his eyes more, continuing to back you into an open doorway. You glanced around, looking for escape, only to find yourself in his quarters. Dread heated in your gut as Woods kicked the door shut. You were officially trapped. 

"Don't do anything too rash now," you pleaded, looking for a secondary door like some quarters had. "It's only a bandana." 

"My bandana," Woods growled. 

The second door was on the other side of his dresser, you realized. Your legs bolted for the exit as fast as you could. Woods was there first, slamming you into the wall next to the door. You let out a loud groan of pain as it shot through your shoulder. 

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