Frankly (Woods Smut!)

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You loved everything about him. Hair, body, style. You especially loved his eyes. They were a light blue, clear in the perfect angles. They showed off wisdom in many areas of knowledge- some of which had proven themselves to be beneficial on your end.

You mostly loved his chest. It may have been a weird thing to love but you deeply fell for the controlled muscle beneath his skin. You especially craved to touch the valley between his pectorals. A place where a single scar drove through as an unwanted yet cherished intruder.

Frank Woods.

Frankly this thing with him couldn't last. Frankly you loved him, but he didn't love you. He was older by many years with you being a common twenty-some year old and him around 40. Nothing between you would ever work outside of the secret get-togethers you frequently took action in.

Jason Hudson was your father and had worked alongside Woods for a while. The moment the two of you had set sights on each other, you knew you were going to get into some serious trouble. But did you abide by your father's responsibility laws? Of course not.

"You're late."

You crossed your arms from where you sat on edge of the motel bed in impatience. Woods shut and locked the door behind him, leaning against it rather sheepishly. You raised a disappointed eyebrow, him wringing his wrists.

"You can't keep doing this. If my father or anyone else finds out-"

You were cut off as Woods quickly closed the gap between you. His lips smashed to yours, leaving your lips to be surprised and sloppy. Not that he seemed to care however.

Woods cupped your jaw with one hand and wrenched your crossed arms apart with the other. You breathed out of your nose heavily to prepare yourself for what was quickly going to come.

"I can be late whenever I want. If you want this thing to continue then you will abide by that."

His words pissed you off even more and you leaned away from his bent form. Woods looked past you at the sliding motel room door, his eyes blank with no emotion. It made you feel as if you valued what this was more than he did. Were you nothing to him after all this time?

You went with the more passive side of things. "What do you want me to do, Frank?"

His eyes glittered and snapped to your lips. "I had much in mind since this is a longer trip, but right now I want you to suck my cock."

Even though you were supposed to be angry and upset at the man, his words made you giddy. Your chest tightened in excitement as you moved forwards to strip Woods of his pants. He let out a grunt as your nails gently scraped against his hips.

You ripped down everything, revealing the target intended to obey his command. A hand came to his thigh, to steady him when you were sure to make him orgasm until he almost fell over. Your other hand pumped the shaft belonging to him once and then you moved your lips to his head.

Woods immediately gripped your hair as you sucked his penis. You didn't waste time to shove yourself forwards and engulf your entire mouth with his member, flicking your tongue to stimulate him even more.

You knew you weren't going to get anything out of this, but you did it because there was some blind hope. You wanted him to orgasm so that you could do it again in a different way. Whatever it did to please him.

"Fuck Y/N," his groan made your lower gut tremble in neediness.

You pulled away from his shaft to circle his head with your tongue. In the meantime, you palmed his balls and twisted at the base of his erect self. Woods grumbled and gripped your head tighter in sexual desire.

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