Rescued But Not Saved (Requested Logan)

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Your research had led to so many dead ends and endless circles. At one moment, the facts would look like a new lead on Logan's whereabouts, but end up nothing up junk. The missions you helped arrange would be pointless. It only dampened the moods of the hopeless Ghost soldiers further. 

That was until the recent discovery of a hidden Federation base deep in the Andes. 

"Merrick!" you rushed into the middle of a debrief, a new jumble of meaningless information for the boys.

All eyes turned to you: Kick, Keegan, Merrick, and Hesh. Even Riley perked up to your outburst. Panting from running across the entire base, you held out the papers you printed. Merrick raised a questioning eyebrow. 

"I found him." 

There was a huff of disappointment from Keegan. "Isn't that what you say every time?" 

"I know it," you stepped up to the table, laying out the information and satellite photographs. "The base is hidden in the Andes, but I managed to pick up heat signatures through the satellites."

"But how do you know Logan is there?" Hesh had his arms crossed. 

You pointed to a zoomed in picture. "This. You see this ditch? There's a metal top on it, like some type of steel grill."

"A drain maybe," Kick suggested. 

"I thought so too," you shifted to a thermal photo, "but then I saw a heat signature in there." 

There were a few curses, and Hesh turned to pace just away from the table. You licked your lips, narrowing your eyes to the photos. 

"They're keeping a prisoner in that pit," you spoke confidently. "It has to be him." 

"And if it isn't?" Hesh snapped , glaring at you. 

"Then we have another dead end," you gripped the edge of the table. "I'm not going to stop looking for Logan, dead or alive. It's worth a shot."

"Merrick?" Hesh looked to his leader for assistance in trumping your idea. 

Merrick held his chin and studied the maps and photos spread before him. "Y/N is right, it's worth a shot." 


"The lines should put us right at the pit," Keegan spoke lowly next to you as you crouched on a cliff. 

Rain was consistent in pouring in the dark light of the night, but it bothered none of you. Your eyes narrowed as you looked across to where Hesh and Merrick were supposed to be placing charges and meeting you with Keegan. 

"They don't have it well-guarded," you mentioned, waiting for Keegan to start hooking up. 

"It's likely they have other prisoners here."

"That or they don't think Logan is going to get out," you met Keegan's icy blue gaze. 

He looked back to the shining steel of the pit. "I know he's tried." 

"No doubt," you hooked up as Keegan did. 

The two of you skillfully zip-lined across the short distance to the next, lower cliff. You didn't hesitate to hook up your repelling gear once there. Keegan copied, beginning to repel down the side of the cliff face. 

"Easy," Keegan murmured, eyeing two guards walking up to the pit. 

One of them spit, laughing at the action. The other kicked dirt into the side, muttering low curses. Rage blinded you as you slipped your knife from it's sheath. Keegan descended beside you, nodding for a signal. 

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