Confession (Requested David Mason)

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Oh my dearest goodness. It's been a while hasn't it?? I really am sorry for the delay. It's close to summer break and I have been loaded with tests, presentations, all the good ol' stress-causing stuff. It's been hard to write anything anywhere and trust me, I miss the hell out of it!

But this week is the last week and then it's summer break! I'm just trying to buckle down and get all schoolwork done.

Anywho, I've calculated the finalists for the smutfest! These are the six you've chosen. Next week I will give a break down of how this is going to work and then the week after all of it will begin! ;)

David Mason

I have to thank you all for the comments and TONS of messages on who you wanted! I'm sorry to those of you who didn't get someone you voted for, but I hope one of these guys will still make you happy. If you want a regular request (or not *wink wink*) with someone not listed then lemme know!

Enjoy and apologies for not having this be a Sunday update!



"She isn't very pretty."

"I never said anything about looks! It's the personality dipshit," Woods smacked the back of Mike Harper's head. "She was my woman for five years."

From the corner of the room, you stood with your arms crossed while watching the entire situation with amusement. Woods, a dear friend of yours, was showing off a past girlfriend to Navy SEALs Harper and Mason. You had to admit, they were intrigued by the simple story- as would two young children would be.

Your gaze especially outlined David Mason, the Commander, in curiosity. He was tall with mid-sized shoulders that were in shape for any situation that arose through danger. His hair was black, face cleanly shaven, and eyes a rich hazel. His nose was thick and rounded at the tips while his ears came to a slightly more prominent point.

You had to admit you were never going to get tired of your new Commander.

As a transfer from another branch, you were expecting nothing but the same expectations from someone who seemed as noble as Mason. Strict. Never late or absent. Ready at all times. Those were just some of them too.

"Quite quiet over there Y/N," Woods brought you into the conversation for the second time- the first being as introductions.

Mason had agreed with your past Lieutenant that having you meet him at Woods' place was suitable. Mason knew him as a fatherly figure, you a friend. Both of you wouldn't be as professional and would be more likely to accept you into Mason's crew- his words not yours.

"Just listening."

"You should be going about now," Woods decided, sitting back in his chair and pulling out another cigarette.

You raised your head and uncrossed your arms, kicking your heel as you stepped forwards. "It was nice to see you Frank."

He only let you call him that. "And you, Y/N. Don't let these bozos get to ya."

You smiled and gave him a gentle handshake, deciding a hug wouldn't be exactly appropriate. Woods squeezed your hand and then released it. You gave a nod to Mason and then stepped towards the door.

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