A Sweet Accident (Logan)

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So I upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge (don't hurt me haters *hides behind Keegan*) from my iPhone 4S....so far I love it! It's been a lot to get used to.

I apologize for not updating recently, I've been busy with the 4th and family birthdays! This chapter is a day late, but oh well.

In excitement of getting a new phone, this has been done completely mobile (excuse the terrible typos that I may miss, still trying to get used to the keyboard). Enjoy!



"Come on!" you complained, hitting your hands on the steering wheel of your car.

The man who'd cut you off flipped you the bird and continued past you. You let out a frustrated grumble. Your day kept getting worse and you didn't think it could at the moment. Life found a way to make it so anyways.

Continuing down the road, you gripped the steering wheel tightly. It was the fourth of July. You knew you needed to be more outgoing, but some part of you was dragged down by the bad day you were having. The day wouldn't get better, as you would go home and listen to fireworks alone. Speaking of which, the loud colors were beginning to appear from different houses in the distance.

The highway was away from thick clusters of houses, allowing loud mortars to shake the sky and cradle like umbrellas. You secretly wished there was someone to spend time with while watching fireworks, but the only family was far away, leaving you to have nothing but a small, empty house. Everyone around you were in groups of happy families.

"Oh shit!" you suddenly slammed on your brakes.

The two deer in front of you made you swerve a little too, your tires skidding. You felt your body jerk forwards and then back, a car crashing against your own. You let out a painful moan and pulled to the side of the road as much as you could.

You sat in the car for a few moments, taking everything in. The deer were hopping across the rest of the road and were untouched. Your car was clearly smashed in at the rear from the car that had hit you. The other car....what if it had a family in it? Young children could be harmed because of your distracted driving.

Thinking of the possible children in the pulled over car behind you, you weakly turned and unbuckled. Your head spun with the effort and a sharp pain attacked your shoulder. You tried to ignore the dizzying pain. Reaching with your hand, you clicked to open the door.

At the same time, a person opened the driver's door. You almost fell out of the car and put your hand out in defense. The man who had opened the door caught you and steadied you, making you sit back.

"My name is Logan," the man spoke gently. "Are you okay?"

You reached out and gripped the man's muscular bicep. "I need help."

Logan nodded and put a hand on your knee. "Stay right here."

"Med kit in the trunk," you whispered and heard Logan disappear behind your crashed vehicle.

"Tell me how you feel," Logan returned quickly with your medical kit.

"Dizzy and sick," you didn't hesitate. "My shoulder hurts."

Logan gently checked out your shoulder and tensed. You glanced to your shoulder and saw a lot of deep red blood. Before you could freak out, Logan held your other shoulder back against the seat.

"I need to move you and fix this up," Logan gazed at your eyes deeply and you nodded a response. "Okay."

You felt Logan's muscular arms wrap around your body. When you whimpered in pain as he lifted you, Logan readjusted. He sat you on the edge of his opened trunk. Since he drove a type of Jeep, the back was large.

"I'm going to need to take off your shirt," Logan looked to you calmly and you nodded, not caring at the moment about your bareness but about your pain.

After beginning to clean the wound, Logan bandaged it up. He carefully moved to work on your temple, which had been split in the crash.

"How do you know so much?" you gazed at Logan's focused eyes.

"I help out at the Urgent Care in town sometimes," Logan shrugged.

"Thank you," you smiled, just regaining strength.

You hopped out of the back of Logan's car, looking towards your own. Dread spread through you.

"My car," you frowned.

"I can help with repairs," Logan started and you stopped him.

"It was a piece of shit anyways."

"I can give you a ride home ," Logan offered. "You need to take it easy."

"Thank you," you smiled lightly and looked to him.

Logan bore dirty blonde hair, slight stubble along his jaw and lower cheeks, and bright blue eyes. His frame was larger than yours, filled especially with muscles. He looked at you curiously, but enough to be creepy. Part of you already admired him.

"The fireworks are starting," Logan noted the bright flashes of colorful chemicals in the distance.

You eyed them, slightly amazed. Even though every year on this day you heard the fireworks, you'd never stepped out to see and enjoy them. Looking out of Logan's window, you could see the loud reactions easily. You liked the chills that went down your spine with each loud bang.

Logan's gaze was obvious towards you, but you ignored him to continue looking at the fireworks in awe. The car suddenly shifted right and you gripped the door tightly. You glared towards Logan, who drove down a bumpy road. Maybe he was more creepy than you thought. You never should have gotten in the car. What if he was a crazy serial killer?

"Come on!" Logan broke your thoughts, opening his door to get out.

You cautiously and wobbly got out of the car. Logan leaned against his hood. You carefully joined him and looked up to where a huge mortar light up the sky and disappeared within seconds.

"Amazing," you whispered.

You hadn't realized Logan had left your side until he returned with a blanket. Holding out the blanket to you, Logan smiled. You allowed him to wrap the blanket around you.

"Thank you," you whispered and continued watching the fireworks for a few moments without a reply from Logan.

"You're welcome," Logan finally replied, looking from the sky to you gently.

"You know I mean for everything, right?"

"It wasn't a problem," Logan reassured you.

You smiled and slowly leaned into him, allowing Logab to wrap his arms around you in a careful hug. Logan squeezed you gently and then released you. You sighed and then sat up, watching the grand finale of the fireworks.

"What's your name?" Logan asked after a few moments.

"Y\N," you told him.

"It's nice to meet you, Y\N," Logan smiled.

"And you,"

You both met each other's gazes with a smile.

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