Shaken Up (Gideon)

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Heart pounding, you continued to stare at your glass of water and food. The men behind you continued to talk about how they were going to get you in bed with them no matter what it took. You were going to wait until they stopped talking their nonsense and then leave the restaurant.

"Hey pretty," one of the men came to sit next to you.

Ignoring him, you finished the water and then pushed the plate forwards slightly. Flinging your purse over your shoulder, you made a quick getaway to the exit. The cool air of Windsor, Berkshire hit your face as soon as you stepped out of the little restaurant. England was such an amazing place, you wished you could stay forever at some moments.

"Where you think you going?" the men behind you were clearly not from around England.

Running away from the little restaurant, you went into an alleyway. You glanced back once and saw that the men weren't following you. A sudden hard hit to the face made you to fall to the ground and groan.

"You didn't answer me, girl," the same man had come around.

"Leave me alone!" you cried out as he grabbed you.

"I'll do this quick and painless if you shut your mouth!" the man pinned you against the wall and you felt the zipper of your coat going down.

Kicking and trying to get away, you saw another man hold you down for the man that had first caught you. Fear soared through you, making you want to scream, but the second man held his hand over your mouth.

Feeling a hand slide down your side, you wiggled and tried to get away. The hand moved to your personal area and you felt the belt around your jeans loosen until it came off.

"Please don't," you yelled into the hand holding your head back.

"Shut up, you pathetic wimp," one of the men growled.

Lips came to your mouth and you let out a scream into it. There was nothing you could here. Two men stronger than were going to rape you and possibly kill you. What could you do?

"HEY!" a loud voice echoed in the alleyway.

The person kissing you pulled away but then covered your mouth again. You couldn't see your savior, but you hoped he wasn't with these two men.

"What do you want?"

"For you to leave the lady alone," the voice almost seemed to growl.

"Fight us for her, then!" you were released and then you sank down to the ground, fearful tears spilling from your eyes.

You could hear punching and grunting while your eyes stayed closed. With your head tucked into the gap between your knees and chest, you hugged your legs up close.

Please let this be over soon. I'm scared! you thought, crying heavily now.

"Hey, are you okay lass?" the man who'd come into the alley, saving you, was kneeling in front of where you sat.

"No," you admitted. "Are you going to hurt me too?"

"Absolutely not," the man sat down next to you. "What's your name?"

"Y/N," you whispered, tears falling heavily from your cheeks. "And yours?"

"Gideon," the man had a London-accented voice and it sang to you like music.

"Thank you, Gideon," you gulped, sniffing. "Are you from around here?"

"No, I'm visiting family," he replied swiftly. "How about you?"

"Same," you finally met his gaze.

With deep blue eyes, the man had blonde hair with faint black streaks near the top. It spiked up near the front and was cut cleanly all the way around. He also had a tattoo on his neck, but you couldn't make it out in the faint light. Gideon had muscles, as if he was in the military or someone who worked out a lot, and didn't seem damaged from the men who'd attacked you.

"Are you okay?" Gideon asked you again.

"I'm shaken up," you licked your lips. "And I'm scared."

"Why don't you come with me to get a drink?" Gideon stood and held his hand out to you.

Taking his hand, you felt him lift you with ease. You looked into his deep blue eyes and nodded. "I'd love that. I need that."

Gideon smiled and offered his arm to you. Taking it carefully, you started walking next to the taller man.

The rest of the evening you didn't care about anything else except for the safety of Gideon.


I will say, writing "you" form instead of "I" form is hard for me. There's a lot of deleting and rereading....ugh.

Hope you've enjoyed it so far though! Make suggestions or requests and please vote/tell others about this! :D


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