Day Off (Requested Gaz)

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"What the hell are we going to do today?" you questioned your comrade. "It's snowing."

"Perhaps we could go to the rec room?"

The idea made you turn your lip up. "If you want to do that, be my guest."

Your comrade shrugged. "Suit yourself, it's fun in there."

They turned and began in that direction, leaving you to figure things out on your own. With a sigh, you started for the opposite direction. With nothing to do this day was going to be long and boring- and it was one of the only days off you could remember having in the last few weeks.

"Why the long face dear?"

You perked up to see Gaz standing a ways away, his eyes steadily on you. "Just got ditched and now I have nothing to do."

Gaz leaned off the wall as you came up to him. You peered slightly upwards at his face, hoping for some sort of direction or order to help you out. Though he and you were...rather close, he was still your one of the higher-ranked men you obeyed. Therefore, if he wished you to run an errand or really anything then you would have to do it.

"Do you have anything for me to do?"

"I can think of one thing," Gaz smirked, lightly rubbing his chin, "but that can wait till later."

A blush flickered across your cheeks.

"Would you have any ideas Y/N?"

"Well, I wanted to build a snowman because it barely ever snows here, but those plans got canceled," you explained. ""

"Hmm," he mused. "I can build one with you."

"Really?" you bounced in excitement.

Gaz shrugged and gave a nod. You let out an excited squeal and wrapped your arms around his neck. With a final display of affection, you kissed his upper cheek. Gaz temporarily squeezed you tighter.

"We have to find the face first, because it will then shape how we build the rest of the snowman," you babbled as the two of you headed for the outside weather.

"Wear this," Gaz flung around a scarf, draping it over your neck, as you reached one of the doors where you'd left most of your warmer gear.

"It's not that cold."

"I don't care dear, you're wearing it," Gaz narrowed his eyes, daring you to argue.

"Fine," you breathed, slipping on your gloves.

Gaz slipped on his gloves and a warmer hat, opening the door for you. You trickled through, skipping straight into the snow and sinking to your knees. Gaz chuckled as you began plodding through the white weather.

"I'll start on the base, you look for facial features."

"I'm going to make it look like you," you teased, beginning to find sticks and pebbles.

Gaz started rolling the perfect ball for a base, circling around so the snowman would face the base. You watched him huff and puff as the ball quickly gained powder, becoming at least two hundred pounds in matter of a minute or so. Gaz still rolled it with ease.

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