I Know Your Secret (Gideon Smut!)

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You admired him. At times, especially those during training, you didn't, but mostly the man was admirable. You didn't know what did it either. Was it the hair? The eyes? The very fact he was Captain? You barely knew him yet you were so drawn to his side.

Never would he find that out however. You refused to let almost anyone see the gushy side of you, all the years of soldiering wearing on your outer shell. Gideon did not suspect your admiration nor would he find out. Ever.

"He has a weird way of doing things," Ilona rolled her eyes, watching Gideon reprimand a new recruit. "He punishes emotionally whereas most others would punish physically."

"I'm sure there's a method to his madness," you replied, trying to sound bored.

Really, you enjoyed the scene in front of you. You liked the way Gideon got heated, how his fists clenched which made his forearms flex. You enjoyed hearing his melody of words become strict and hissy like a snake.

"Finally done?" Ilona demanded as Gideon walked from the scene.

"Yes," his gaze flickered over you. "I learned some interesting things from that troublesome lad."

You ignored his gaze and turned. "I'm going to go finish on those interviews."

"I don't know why you do those," Ilona shook her head.

You shrugged. "Orders of Irons. Gotta follow them if I want to stay and keep annoying you two."

You left the two more experienced soldiers and headed back towards the office you'd been assigned to. Truly, you hated these weeks of the year- usually spring and fall- where new recruits would come in out of high school or at the beginning of college. You were one of the people tasked with helping choose solid recruits- along with the rest of your usual duties.

"Fuck me," you muttered, glancing in the waiting room filled with young people. "This is going to take a while."


"Alright, we'll see about that," you called back in sarcastic remark to another soldier tasked with filing reports of recruits. "Have a good evening!"

You heard a muffled reply as you wound around the corner. It wasn't a long walk back to where your large quarters were located. Across the hall, as usual, Ilona would be sleeping. Gideon was a few rooms down, as was the newest rookie Mitchell.

Entering your quarters, you shut and locked the door with your fingerprint. You stripped off all of the little things- boots, socks, gloves- and began on your shirt. You almost lifted the article up, except the back of your neck pricked up in awareness.

Spinning around in defense, you prepared to attack. Your eyes narrowed, body relaxing only slightly, when you realized it was Gideon. He was leaning against your mini-kitchen counter, sipping on some of your alcohol from one of your glasses.

"By all means, don't let my presence stop whatever it was you were doing," Gideon held that infamous smirk of his and you crossed your arms in frustration.

"What are you doing in my quarters? I'm the only one who can get in here!"

Gideon shrugged, humming as he swallowed the last of the drink. "I'm your Captain, Y/N, you should know I have access to almost anywhere at any time."

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