Perhaps (Sandman)

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"Y/N, I'm Sandman. Where is your location?" the voice that came out of the phone in your hand made a shaky breath escape you.

"I'm stuck under half of the tilted building," you replied looking around yourself once again. "Please help me."

"We're on our way. Keep the phone on you," the voice of Sandman was sharp, cold.

You didn't know the significance to these random men saving you was, but you were glad either way. The city had been bombed and attacked not two hours earlier. One building had collapsed onto the one you were in, killing many people you worked with and trapping you on the tenth floor. The building was so unstable, it shivered beneath you whenever more fighting outside occurred.

Currently, you were huddled inside a closet, which happened to holding up a large beam that would crush you within moments if the men didn't hurry. You held your knees close, your jeans releasing any warmth created by your body.

"Y/N?" a different voice came into the phone call.

"I'm here," you breathed shakily into the phone.

"We need you to push very hard on the closet door. Your position is noted, yet hard to get to without your help."

"Okay," you breathed and tucked the phone into your pocket.

Using all your might, you rammed into the closet door. It didn't budge, yet instead groaned and shifted only slightly.

"Whatever you just did needs to happen again," the same voice came into your phone.

You sighed and closed your eyes, wishing for this last try to work. With one grunt, you shoved yourself up against the doors again. Your shoulder was stinging with the effort, but you ignored it as the entire place around you shook.

"Y/N? Y/N!"

The phone cut out as you suddenly dropped downwards ten feet. Your feet landed back on the floor and you fell back, panting in fear.

"Listen to me," it was Sandman again. "You need to get out of there as soon as possible."

"Am I going to die?" you shook.

There was a short pause. "I won't let you."

Taking that small phrase for courage, you stood up and shoved against the doors one last time. They released, finally opening. As you lost your balance, you fell forwards. There wasn't a floor to catch you.

Letting out a scream, you gripped the air helplessly as you started descending downwards at the speed of gravity. You tried to move your head with the force, noticing the lip of a broken piece of floor you could clutch onto.

Your hands hit the broken slap of concrete and you felt the rebar cut your right forearm. After a scream of pain, you tried to pull yourself up. Nothing worked for your trembling fingers, slowly slipping off the edge.

"Easy, Y/N," gloved hands suddenly gripped yours gently, but powerfully.

Looking up through tearing eyes, you noticed a man in a uniform was watching you with narrowed blue eyes. Your hands pulled themselves up to his forearms, where he pulled you up the ledge. You shivered and sunk into his surprisingly welcoming arms.

"You're alright," he didn't sound gentle.

"Thank you," was all you could manage to get out between the relief of being rescued and hurt so badly by your fall.

"Give me the med kit," the man ordered towards three other men as he allowed you to rest back against one of his arms. "Now you stay with me."

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