Hotel Sweetness (Requested Tank Dempsey)

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You couldn't look away from it- the falling debris heading for your form. You knew it was going to kill you yet your feet didn't move. You almost embraced the idea of death right then.

But he saved you- well, more like crushed you in doing so.

Tank Dempsey was a large man, ripped with muscle strong enough to wrestle a bear and tall enough to see over mount Everest. When he tackled you to the side in order to rescue your stupid self, you felt as if the debris had hit you anyways.

With a groan, you shook your head and opened your eyes to his form. The rest of the team was on the other side of the damaged helicopter that had fallen. You were quite relieved of that.

"When I tell you to move, move!" Dempsey's spit and hot breath hit your face.

"Next time don't crush me!" you argued quieter and shoved him off of you.

Tank didn't budge, only pressing down further onto your heaving ribcage. You groaned and pressed your palms against his  shoulders.

"Better than being dead."

You gazed into his serious blue gaze narrowed down onto yours. A tickle shivered your lower spine as he shifted a hand to your hip. A piece of you wanted whatever his thoughts were to continue, but they were strictly denied as Dempsey lifted you upwards while he stood.

"Now let's find the others," Tank swallowed looking around. "We still have to find that hotel."

You said nothing as you picked up your weapon and righted yourself. As you began to move around the chopper, you glanced back to Tank. His eyes were trained on the small helicopter that had almost crushed the life out of you.

"You two are alive!" the team popped up when you rounded the corner.

"Aye, and we better get moving so that we reach the hotel before dark," you replied, pushing yourself forwards once more. "Come on then."


"Three rooms all on the same floor please," Tank was leaning over the counter, gazing at the pale-faced woman behind it.

She was wide-eyed, watching all of the soldiers as if you'd just grown antlers on your heads. You shot her a small smile, trying to show that all of you were civil human beings just like herself.

"There are a lot of rooms reserved because of this whole attack," the woman looked nervously down at a computer screen, "however there are only two rooms available on the first floor."

"We'll take those." 

"Don't worry about it," the woman looked to where Dempsey was searching for money in his uniform's pockets and he glanced up. "You all look like you could use a night's rest."

"Thank you," his deep voice purred and he dipped his head.

Facing the team, he spun his finger to signal you to move to the the two rooms. You didn't exactly know where you were headed- you just followed the others. As the three of them stopped a door and awaited Dempsey to give them a key, you looked between the two doors.

Where were you to sleep? The team wouldn't try anything- they knew better between you and Tank both- however you couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable with sharing a room with a group of men.

"Y/N," Dempsey handed a key to you. "That room is yours."

"Thank you, Tank," you whispered and watched as he stepped into the boys' room without another word.

Shutting the door behind you, you let out a satisfied sigh. The room was nice, showing off one queen bed with sheets so neat you almost wanted to ruin them, a desk with a rolling chair, multiple lamps and lights, and an entire bathroom.

As you stepped for the bathroom, you stripped off bits of your clothes and by the time you'd reached the spot, you were completely stripped. You let your hair loose from its tie and began to fill up the tub with numbing hot water. You found a white towel, hung it on a hook nearby and then searched for soap to make a bubble bath.

Not ten minutes later, you slipped a big toe into the hot water, groaning out loud from the burning and soothing feeling entering your skin. You slipped all the way in, covering everything up to your chest in bubbles and water. With a deep sigh and final hum from your throat, you settled with your neck against the edge of the tub.

You began to scrub the dirt out from under your finger nails. It was a daunting task considering you hadn't done it all day and took a good five minutes.

Once you'd finished that, you soaked your shoulders with a sponge. You used your fingers and hands to scrub your face- covered in grime- of any blemishes and clogged pores.

You may have been a soldier, but you still cared for your body.

Feeling much cleaner, you settled back to the edge of the tub, covering your wet body with a shield of bubbles. You closed your eyes, enjoying the only bit of silence you had had in two days.

Then a smell came to you.

You couldn't comprehend if you were imagining it because you were hungry or if it was actually there. Either way, you opened your eyes and looked to the doorway of the bathroom.

"Wow," the man standing in the doorway smirked. "I'm surprised you actually didn't hear me."

"I smelled you," you looked to the pizza box in his hands. "I'm guessing that's for me?"

"No, for the guys. I just thought I'd show it to you," the man walked in, sitting on the closed toilet lid to open the box and hand you a slice of your favorite pizza.

"Thank you, Dempsey."

"You're welcome."

You eyed him as you took a third bite. He played with the box, subtly showing that the man was unusually nervous.

Only you knew why.

"Care to join me?"

Tank snapped his head towards you, moving his eyes down to the water where your chest was secretly stored underneath a layer of bubbles.

As you finished the piece of pizza, you gripped the side of the tub and pulled your chest to the cool edge. It gave just enough of a glimpse, but not the entire scene- making the perfect tease.

"Join me, Tank Dempsey," you whispered. "It's been a long two days."

He suddenly stood up, ripping his undershirt right up over his head and tugging his pants off with ease. You couldn't help but giggle as he slid into the tub, causing the water to slosh around and almost tip over the side.

"A long two days I plan to make up for," Dempsey came across the the tub, pinning your wrists to the edges of it as he captured your lips in his.

You pulled away, reaching out to grab another piece of pizza. "By eating, I'm sure."

"Yes, but not just pizza."

You grinned, feeling the urge to facepalm. "What else?"

"First I'll start with those plump lips," Tank murmured, grabbing your breasts. "Then these....and finally," you felt a touch somewhere else and wiggled, "here."

"Surely the pizza tastes better," you joked.

"Nothing tastes better than you."

You couldn't help but blush as Dempsey clutched your chin and kissed your lips once more. As he began his tango with your tongue, you gripped his back.

"You're okay with this?" he pulled away to check on you.

"Of course," you stroked his scruffy jawline. "One more piece of pizza first?"

Dempsey smiled.

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