Unexpected Valentine (Requested Gideon)

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Only because it's Valentine's Day am I skipping a couple requests to write this one. Don't worry, I'll still write the others! Btw, I've had a few people ask if I'm still doing requests and the answer is ABSOLUTELY! This book is still "young" so I will be taking requests for a long time. So request all you want! :)

Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!



Gideon was always the type of man to be romantic. It didn't even have to be a special occasion either, he'd just surprise you with flowers one day and then a week later a movie date. It's what made your relationship fun and interesting.

"Good morning, love!" his lips whisked away any dreams as they skimmed your ear intimately. "Don't want to be late for work."

"I don't have work today, you do," you murmured, turning your other cheek to the pillow. "So get off of me."

Gideon let out a warm chuckle, his muscles flipping you over and pinning your hands to the pillows. You squinted through your eyelids, the sunlight filtering through the window bright and unwelcoming. Gideon traced your jaw with one finger, his baby blue eyes teasing your own.

"Well come on then," you attempted to get out from under him yet his weight held you in place.

Gideon suddenly reached behind him, dragging a velvety box into his hand. You glanced from him to the box and back again. As he opened the box, you couldn't but smile.

"Gideon, you didn't have to-"

"It's Valentine's Day, sweetheart, I definitely had to," Gideon took the silver-chained necklace out of the box.

Its charm was a rounded diamond, two stones- the color of yours and Gideon's birthstones- were attached in the center. All of that was surrounded by a true weave of silver and gold.

"Gideon," you whispered, stunned as he tickled your neck to put the jewelry on. "Thank you."

"You're my everything," Gideon spoke deeply, his voice husky as he pecked your lips with his own.

You playfully wrapped your arms around his neck, fingering his hair. "I've thought of a gift for you, but I don't know if you're going to like it."

"Hmm, I doubt that," Gideon groaned as you bent upwards to kiss his jaw, scraping your teeth within it.

"It's more of a game," you tested, tracing the collar bone obvious through his shirt.

"I like games. What are the rules?"

"You take off your clothes."

Gideon started laughing, his rock hard abs shifting against your mid-section as he bent over to suck on your neck. You let out a sigh when he braced his arms over your form, his lips skimming your sensitive skin to capture your lips.

Your nails scraped at his waist as you tugged upwards on his shirt. Gideon smirked, lifting himself so you could strip him of his shirt. Grinding his hips into you as he shoved his hands up your sides, his fingers were warm to the touch.

"Gideon," you managed as his power of lust took over your senses. leaving you to do nothing but fall under the game you'd originally created.

Gideon pinned your hands above your head, making you feel so unusually exposed. His hips began to grind once more before stopped to straddle you. His hands guided your shirt up and over your head, leaving you to blush madly like most times.

"You're so adorable, Y/N," Gideon murmured, his lips humming against your collar bone.

You shivered. "I try?"

Gideon chuckled as his lips traveled down your bare stomach, his hands caressing your own. You arched your back as he skillfully moved his hands to your waist to slide your pajama bottoms to the end of the bed.

Before the waist of the pants met with your knees, the sound of the doorbell across the house caught Gideon's attention. He stopped, letting out a low, frustrated grumble as he pulled your bottoms back up and kissed you once more, his lips tight.

Gideon exited the bedroom, slipping his shirt over his head as he did so. What a lovely sight his hair was too- sticking out in many directions. The imagined reaction of the visitor made you giggle as you slipped your shirt back on.

"Yes, yes," Gideon was saying as you entered the living room. "I will, you too!"

Gideon shut the door, turning with the mail and flowers sent by one of your female coworkers. She knew your favorites, so she was quick to send you some of the sweet-smelling plants for a valentine.

"Awe, she's so sweet," you cooed as you set the fancy vase on the table, straightening the place mat nearby.

Gideon watched you, a small smile on his lips. You faced him, hugging him warmly. He breathed out as soon as you released.

"Better get to work."

He sighed. "Might as well."

As he picked up his things to leave, you examined the flowers once more. Gideon only caught your attention when he paused at the front door. His blue eyes studied your frame with a small smirk.

"Y/N, will we continue later tonight?"

You walked towards him, leaning up to kiss his lips. "Maybe."

"You tease me too much, love."

You smiled, opening the door for Gideon. He stepped out, pausing when you touched his wrist. His blue eyes met your e/c ones.

"Happy Valentine's Day, babe."

He grinned, kissing your lips once more. "Happy Valentine's Day. I love you."

"I love you too."

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