Patience (Requested Logan)

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You couldn't control yourself. You'd always been the crazy and random type who couldn't settle down for anything. Logan Walker was your Captain. Not much older than you, Logan usually had a high level of tolerance for you, until today.

The redness of your cheeks wouldn't disappear because of your excitement. Logan had invited you to one of his upper class meetings...just you. You felt honored and full of pride but at the same you were more excited than if a child had been told to pick out as much candy as they wanted. You'd never been to Miami before.

"So how much longer?" you asked for a hundredth time.

"A while," Logan spoke flatly, reading a magazine.

"Will we be able to stop at this one store?" you couldn't think of the name. "Let's play a game! I'm thinking of a number between one and ten, if you guess right you get to go first."

Logan rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. "Seven."

"The number was two," you crossed your arms. "I get to ask you the first question. Hmm...sugar cookies or chocolate chip?"

Logan was getting ticked off. "Chocolate chip."

"Have you ever had them at Christmas?" you brought up a sore subject for Logan and was answered with nothing but silence.

Thinking of something to lighten the mood, you poked Logan's muscular shoulder. When he didn't glance from his magazine, you poked him again. This went on for minutes.

"Go find yourself something to eat, Y/N," Logan growled. "And quit being annoying."

"But what if I'm not hungry?" you challenged. "What if I'm having fun poking you?"

You began to poke Logan more and, finally, he put down his magazine to grab your wrists and yank you up out of your chair. The private jet was small, but large enough there was plenty of space to move around in.

"I said to stop," Logan glared down at you with eyes filled of annoyance.

You pouted and moved your wrists from him. "Fine. I'll go eat something if that makes you happy."

Logan's eyes were on you until you rounded the corner to the small food cabinet. You searched through the food until you found a chocolate bar and some pretzels. Before leaving, you grabbed a water and an alcoholic drink of some type.

"Here," you held out the bottle to Logan once returning. "I've annoyed you enough."

Logan looked from the bottle to you and back again. "Thank you, Y/N."

You sat down next to him again, sighing as you began to eat your snacks. Logan kept glancing at you from his magazine.

"Hey look," you held up a piece of a pretzel. "It makes a three!"

Breaking off pieces of pretzel, you began making shapes, words, and pictures with your pretzels. Logan seemed amused, putting his magazine down to watch you intently. Loving the attention, you began to show off and stack the pretzels to make little three-dimensional shapes.

"Dang it!" you cried out when the plane hit a bump of turbulence.

The pretzels went everywhere, making you groan in annoyance and defeat. Logan let out a chuckle and picked up his magazine again. Slowly, you started collecting the pretzels, crawling around on the floor. Your head hit Logan's knee when you sat up to put the collected pretzels on your seat.

"Sorry!" you put your hand on his knee, afraid he would anger again.

"You're forgiven," Logan moved his magazine to look down at you.

A look came to his eye then. It looked hungry, but not in a mean way, more in a way of mystery and curiosity. Logan quickly eyed you before offering you a hand up. You smiled slightly when you pushed off his knee and stood in front of him.

"I've never noticed how beautiful your eyes are, Y/N," Logan made you blush and squeeze his hand tighter.

"T-Thank you, Captain," you stuttered.

"Come here, you have something on your cheek," Logan stood up and met you in the middle as he walked forwards.

Nervously, you let him stroke the piece of flint off your face. Logan stopped with one hand on your cheek and smiled at you.

"You're a lot quieter when you're nervous," Logan smirked.

"Is that bad?" you gulped.

Before Logan could reply, more turbulence shook the plane around. Logan lost his balance, dragging you down with him. When you landed, you quickly realized your lips were smashed to his, your body resting on his too. Quickly, you pulled away.

"I'm sorry Logan! I didn't mean-"

As you started to go into a huge apology, Logan pulled you in for another kiss. This time, though, you sank into it, enjoying the feeling of his lips on yours.

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