You Can Never Grow Old (Captain Price)

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The old man Price has been requested a few times, so I figured I'd update SOMETHING with him. This is you being older, well it depends on your age now of course, but it's still sweet!

Request what you want and I'll try to get to it within the next few weeks. I PROMISE everything is going to be up-to-date and fresh before the end of 2016. I may even have a couple new "projects" I'll be sharing with you all too. Stay tuned! :)

Hope you enjoy!



"Don't get your hands on that!" his voice was rough, from many years of smoking, yet some part of it still made you usually comfortable. "You'll break yourselves!"

"Oh let them be children," you reached a soft hand to the man rocking vigorously in his chair. "Don't you remember how you used to be?"

Price paused for a long moment, gazing gently at your hand. "I do very well."

"Then let them be."

You returned to your cross-stitching, a gentle breeze blowing across the porch. It held the scent of sweet oranges on the table off to your left. The children in the yard ahead of you were a variety of ages, from eight to ten to fifteen to even twenty, and they passed a Frisbee around noisily.

"Grandma, Grandma!" the youngest, Sadie, trotted up to you and shoved a muddy jar onto your perfect stitching.

Though Price tensed next to you, you calmly lifted both the jar and the cross-stitch off your lap. Picking up the young girl, you plopped her onto your lap and then grabbed the muddy jar with a small, gentle smile.

"What do we have here?"

"I caught a bug!" Sadie held up the jar.

"What part of the garden?"

"The flower part," Sadie giggled as you tickled her.

"How cool!"

Price let out a quiet grumble as he crossed his arms, watching the other grandchildren play in the yard happily. Their parents would be arriving at any time, giving you and Price only a few moments to spare with your beloveds.

"I'll be right with you, sweetheart," you allowed Sadie to get down. "Go to the garden."

"Don't hurt yourself," Price squeezed your hand.

Your eyes, still a fierce e/c, met his ferocious gaze. "I won't, you ass."

Price's eyes flickered with amusement, yet he let go of your hand dismissively. You gave a slow wink as you got up and moved to go down the steps to the garden. It was always something new every time you looked at it and the plants gave you a sense of tranquility.

"Look, I caught another one!"

"Very good," you couldn't help but praise Sadie. "Let's find some more!"


"My God, that was quite a long day," Price shuffled away from the front door, looking to where you were finishing up the dishes rather carefully. "Are you as exhausted as I?"

"You stress too much when the children are around," you stated with an amused smile. "Let them be grand kids and break things."

"Never going to happen, love," Price grumbled, rubbing his head. "Now, I promised you a birthday present did I not?"

"Oh yes," you grinned. "Is it another shitty tea kettle?"

"Shut it, you know that last one wasn't supposed to be your present," Price groaned, walking to you. "This is the first thing."

You leaned against the counter, opening the small bag with wonder. "Oh, honey, this is gorgeous!"

In all the years you and Price had been married, he'd given you many pieces of jewelry and you'd given him many watches. It'd been a constant game of who could outdo the other, especially because competition was one of both of your favorite games. This, though, was much different; he'd won this time.

"It has each grandchild's name, our children's name closer to your heart, and mine at the center, because each of us will always be in a piece of your heart and you in ours," Price explained while he put the necklace around your throat.

"John," you murmured. "I love you so much."

"Not as much as I'll love you," he gently took your hands and led you out to the backyard once more. "I set this up earlier today."

Your breath was once again taken away as you took in the summer scene in front of you. Gentle music was playing and gold lights were weaving through the low branches of one of the trees in the backyard. Underneath the lights was a large slab of wood, indicating a place two would share a special moment together.

"Before we get too old, I'd love to share a dance with you, my love," Price held out a hand, a gentleman as always.

"You could've hurt your back doing this!" you exclaimed as the two of you started swaying in the brightness of the gold lights.

"Calm down, Y/N," Price chuckled sweetly. "I had our son help with this."

"You better have," you grumbled.

Price smiled downwards at you as he swung the pair of you around swiftly. As old as the man was, you couldn't help but be flattered. He was, after all, your husband of thirty years; he'd done more flattering than you ever thought anyone could.

"What are you thinking, Y/N?" his voice was soft.

You thought for a long moment. "I'm thinking about life and how happy I've been all these years. I never would have thought that I'd end up here, watching grandchildren, dancing with my husband as if it were our wedding night once more. I'm just so happy, Price, and I love you more than I ever could anyone."

"You have know idea how much you just read my mind."

You let out a laugh. "That tends to happen when you're with an ass for so long."

"You become part ass too, you're right," Price laughed as you punched him.

"Thank you for this," you whispered, leaning your head against Price's chest and closing your eyes.

"Anything for my angel," Price was serious.

Another smile crept onto your face.

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