Prisoner Running (Ethan)

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Hello my readers!

Did my two-day IB test this week. I feel "eh" about them. There were a lot of parts I got and a couple I didn't, so we'll have to wait until July to find out how it turned out.

OH MY GOODNESS! I have no idea how on EARTH I'm going to decide for the characters for the lemonfest (yes that's what I'm calling it, deal wit it). It's so hard to choice just FIVE! Thank you to all of you who have commented and messaged me about who you want! Here soon I will have the list of our lucky five (or maybe six if there's a tie)! ;)

Happy Sunday, loves!

BTW: Requests will be written soon! I've been backed up with school and other lovely life scenarios (like my car getting stolen- got it back though- and big junior year projects and tests and etc etc) so hopefully I will get more on track soon! Thank you for being so patient and simply amazing! ;)




"Files, files, files," you muttered, flicking a screen with your index finger.

Kotch was expecting loads of files with detrimental meaning to UNSA forces, especially the Retribution. You'd been ordered to get aboard, sabotage the information and then return home. You had been on Retribution for two days, narrowly avoiding significant figureheads and attention.

Now that the files were securely on the drive it was time to go home.

Turning from the system, you shut it down as it had originally been. You wished you could've gotten to the bridge, but that was too risky. Kotch had specifically warned you about the commander of the Retribution and UNSA: Nick Reyes. While Kotch had refused to admit Reyes had skill, he had warned you to avoid him at all costs.

You silently exited the tech room into the deserted hallway. Your head looked both ways before you banked left towards the hangar.

In the two days you'd been aboard, you had been able to easily map out the ship in its entirety. The layout was rather simple and you were sure getting off of it wouldn't be hard. On the flip side of things, however, you had already grown to enjoy the environment of the Retribution.

On Olympus Mons life was much busier and harsh. From waking up practically every morning in Kotch's quarters to constantly being ordered about to repeating everything again, you were tired and fed up. The Retribution was different. There weren't affairs that were damaging to reputations if ever found out, there wasn't as much hustle because there were more people.

You liked it, sort of.

"Hey, you there," the voice from behind you slapped you out of your thoughts and you hurried away. "Where are you going?"

Something suddenly grabbed you wrist, slamming them together at the small of your back and forcing you to your knees. You let out a grunt of annoyance and attempted to eye your captor.

So much for breaking free.

The Enhanced Tactical Humanoid had you pinned so deeply the was no way of breaking free. His literal iron grip was even rusting at your brace against him.

"Reyes," the E3N looked over his shoulder and nodded his head. "I found the hacker."

My eyes widened only slightly when Nick Reyes appeared from behind the bulky humanoid. He had his blue eyes narrowed, fists clenched along with his sharp jaw. His eyes immediately landed on my hip pocket.

"Take her to an interrogation cell and we'll deal with her later," his voice was harsh as he took the drive from your pocket and held it in his palm. "Good work Ethan."

As Reyes turned to head back- to the bridge probably- Ethan shrugged you up to your feet. You wiggled against his grasp and let out an annoyed sigh.

"You almost succeeded," Ethan mocked.

"Maybe I did," you snapped back as you neared the prisoner cells of the ship.

Ethan released one of his hands to press a button in order to open a door to a cell. Taking your one and possibly only chance, you flung out of his grasp and then kicked his relaxed figure into the open cell. You quickly pressed the button to close it and the  took off through the Retribution.

You found an open room with crates and boxes of supplies, running and ducking behind a cluster of them. Hearing a slam of feet, you knew Ethan had broken out of the the cell with ease and was here now. You crouched, merely peeking over the crate to see him searching by the doorway. As he went right, you moved the opposite direction. Hopefully he would circle and give you the perfect opportunity to lock him in this room.

Then you could run for the hangar and steal a Jackal.

Ethan began to circle, but right for your position rather than around it. You sucked in a breath and snuck to a different part of the room. You kept your eyes on him, sneaking your back into a shelf of cans of food. The entire rack shook, causing a racket easily heard.

In fear, you bolted for the door. Ethan almost seemed to disappear from his spot, making you pause in slight confusion. That was all it took for him to suddenly beat you to the door and make you crash into his arms. You let out a yelp of surprise and Ethan enveloped his arms around your smaller frame.

"Damn you!"

"Once again," Ethan held you tighter when you attempted to slip away, "you almost succeeded."

You sighed in defeat and put your head against his metallic body. There was a short moment of silence. And you looked up at where he would see and tilted your head. Ethan was looking at you.

"What's your name?"

"Y/N," you mentally slapped yourself as soon as you spoke. "But you didn't hear that."

Ethan's grip barely loosened as he took you hands from behind once more. You allowed him to lead you back to the interrogation cell this time, deciding it wasn't worth the struggle. He would always seem to find you.

"Perhaps if you work with our questioning, you may actually get to succeed for once."

You rolled your eyes as he shut the cell door and then stuck your tongue out at his back. At the same time, you realized there was a mirrored camera slightly above Ethan.

"I saw that, Y/N."

"I don't care that you did, metalhead!"

You could only hear Ethan's uncontrollable laughter and shook your head. You hated yourself for thinking such....but you could kind of get used to him.

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