Waking Up Next to a Crush (Requested Soap)

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Your head throbbed as you opened your e/c eyes. There was a big, heavy warmth in front of you and to your back, a surprise considering you always normally woke up cold. As you focused in with your vision, you wiggled in confusion.

Soap was sleeping in front of you, his face oddly relaxed. You let out a short breath of horror, glancing over your shoulder to see Roach on your other side. He was snuggling a pillow against his broad chest, his light snoring mimicking the rise and fall of his chest.

You wanted to scurry off the bed, you muscles bracing to do so, up until you realized you were especially freezing on your upper body. You looked down, even more mortified upon seeing your completely shirtless and exposed chest. You quickly clutched onto the blanket which had been covering you and drew it up to cover yourself.

Silently, you tried to remember what the hell had happened last night. You'd all been drunk because of a wild party thrown for Price's birthday. You swore you hadn't been so intoxicated as to end up where you were, so how had it happened? Being in the same bed as Soap to begin with already told you it had involved a bet, however the whole you-being-shirtless part was strange.

Your cheeks lit up thinking about what Soap may have done with your exposed chest. The dangerous thought alone had you clutching the blanket closer. Did he know you'd had a crush on him since your arrival to the one-four-one? What if you'd admitted it last night?

Soap shifted and you tensed, watching his face in panic. His bright, beautiful eyes slowly slid open and you swallowed in nervousness. He looked as confused as you must've been, his eyes scanning the area around him. Then he settled on your wide gaze and narrowed his.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," you whispered, shrugging.

Soap looked over you to see the sleeping Roach and his eyes narrowed even more. "How did he even get in here?"

"He wasn't supposed to be?" you questioned, concerned.

Soap silently shook his head, his eyes dropping to the thin blanket covering your skin. You opened your mouth to ask why you were shirtless, as if Soap would know, but Roach rolling made you hesitate. The dumb bastard rolled backwards, off the bed, with a loud thunk.

"What the hell?" he shot up, staring around in fright.

"Good morning," you teased.

"How the-," Roach only looked between the two of you and shook his head. "My head hurts."

"It's called a hangover," Soap spoke gruffly, resting on his back and exposing a shirtless torso; you sucked in a low breath.

"Shut up ya dweeb," Roach hissed and groaned as he picked himself up. "Y/N, do you remember what happened?"

"No idea," you sighed, still holding yourself reserved.

Roach looked stumped. "Did you two...while I slept..."

"No!" Soap was quick to answer and you sighed in relief. "All I know is that the door was locked."

Roach shrugged. "I'm sneaky."

"A sneaky bastard," you teased again.

Roach grinned and then winced. "All right, I'll leave you two alone so I can find some Advil for my damn head."

He was out of the private quarters in seconds, quietly shutting the door behind him. You awkwardly shifted underneath the blanket, avoiding Soap's hot gaze on your cheek. He watched you in silence as you wiggled beneath his gaze.

It was the first time he'd ever given you so much attention.

"Did you take my shirt off?"


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