The Cousin (Keegan)

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The bus tires bounced off of the dry, rocky road with annoying suspension squeaks. The air around you was hot with a lot of humidity. This made the trip unbearable.

"The base is almost in sight," a black man dressed in digital camouflage pants and t-shirt spoke to you from where he sat near the front of the bus by the driver.

You didn't know how he could possibly be wearing a t-shirt in the heat. You'd stripped down to a black tank with your jean shorts hours ago. Your hair was pulled up into a bun to keep your hair from sticking to your neck and your wore sunglasses to hide your running mascara.

Was that man even human? It didn't even look like he had sweat on his brow! What the hell?

"Do you have your things?"

"Yes," you looked in disgust to the huge duffle bag on the seat across from you.

"I will carry them, orders from command, so that you can go see your uncle."

"Thank you," you said without any sincerity or actual thankfulness.

In less than thirty seconds, you saw the small black mark with few trees around it get closer. It began to loom over the bus as you rode closer.

Your uncle had to be trapped in a place like this.

"Go straight to the office," the man told you as you shuffled past him to get off that muggy vehicle.

You stepped down, feeling the sun soak up most of your sweat- except for the area behind your knees- and looked around at the few soldiers roaming the place. They gazed at you in confusion, especially with the way you were dressed.

With confident steps, you walked towards the office the man on the bus had directed you to. It wasn't too fancy- just a simple brick building with tinted windows. You entered the building without hesitation.

"Uncle?" you asked into the somewhat open room.


You looked to your left to see the grey-haired man appearing from a separate room. He smiled, brown eyes twinkling with something that others would call rare happiness. He met your embrace and squeezed you tight, muscles clenching.

"Look how big you are!"

"Look how old you are!" you teased.

Your Uncle Elias laughed and smiled once more. "I'm glad you made it here okay."

"Me too," your mood darkened. "T-They didn't follow me, did they?"

"No," Elias looked away. "After they killed your mother, they fled."

You looked down.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't have anything now, Uncle," you breathed.

It hadn't been two days since the incident back in your hometown.

You and your mother had been driving to shop for her groceries for the week. Someone in a white car had followed you for hours, even back at your mother's house. They attacked, three of them, with guns and dark masks. Your mother was killed in the process and you had had to flee from the scene.

Elias and his special military group had saved your life from being hunted down. You were to stay with him now- it was what your mother would've wanted. You were safe beyond imagination as well.

"Maybe you'll find something here," Elias sighed and then lifted his head. "Now, why don't you go see Logan and David? They're training."


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