Got You (Requested Ghost)

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His games were never easy.

He was a real-life ghost, stalking and pretending to murder his prey without actually being seen. He was able to sneak in and out of places without being spotted. On the flip side, Simon Riley was unavoidable if he targeted you.

He called the game "Hide and Got You."

It was rather easy really: hide from Ghost and be the last one hidden to win. However, such a task was easier said than done. Ghost was a freaking maniac and almost always found you first- you didn't exactly suck at hide and go seek either.

"Get out of here, Y/N!" Roach hissed as you stumbled into a closet.

You stifled a grumble and silently exited the closet. Your e/c eyes studied the darkened hallway around you; Ghost liked to have more fun by turning off most of the lights in the part of the base the group was playing in.

"Got you!"

A scream erupted from further down the hallway and you tensed, your heart shuddering. At the same time, a giggle threatened to choke you as you realized that girly scream had come from Soap. So much for manliness.

Thinking too quickly, you darted for the doors leading out the back of the base. Sure, the rules stated that no one could leave the base, but you wanted to mix it up and see how good Ghost really was. Besides, he couldn't blend in with a mask over his head; you'd never seen him without it.

A local bar blasted jumpy music as you jogged up the street. Your eyes stammered over the intimidating men that pretended to stand guard at the entrance, but you confidently marched towards them. You were a black belt after all.

As soon as you easily reached inside, you plopped down at the bar. You ordered one of your favorite drinks- not a very strong one- and sipped it as it was supposed to be. Your eyes wandered over the half-drunk crowd.

He'll be easy to spot.

You looked around for the darkness of his mask, the obvious speck in the mostly pale-skinned crowd. The speck never showed itself.

"Come on," you grumbled, sipping your drink.

Then you laid eyes on someone much different from who you'd originally been looking for.

With shining eyes the color of tropical Hawaiian waters, the man was tall- at least six foot. He had a muscular build, one you immediately felt hot for. His hair was a dirty blonde and trimmed neatly to less than an inch on the top.

The man strode over to the bar nearby, glancing in your direction. Out of self-awareness and nervousness, you tucked a strand of your h/c hair behind your ear. A small smile coated your lips as you heard the man order two drinks; one drink was your favorite.

As the handsome man silently walked over to you, you could feel your cheeks and chest burn. He slid one of the shots at you, perfectly stopping within your gaze. His lips suddenly came close to your ear.

"Got you."

"Ghos-" you widened your eyes. "Simon!"

The man smirked, downing his shot. "I told you I always win."

You opened your mouth to say something else, but Ghost continued.

"You cheated and left the building."

His powerful gaze made you shiver and you let out a nervous chuckle. "I was testing your skills, clearly on point."

Ghost studied you for a moment more, his lips curling upwards in an innocent smile. "You did well staying aware of your surroundings."

You looked away. "I learned from a wise old man."

"Old?" Ghost sounded hurt. "I'm only two years older than you."

"Experience comes with age."

"No, it comes with time," Ghost argued, shoving your shot closer to you. "Drink so we can get back."

"What if I don't want to go back?"

You were really enjoying seeing Ghost without his mask off. You didn't want to watch him put it back on for the weeks to follow. Ghost was attractive...much to your liking.

"Come on," Ghost ushered as you downed the shot anyways.

You inwardly groaned and followed him out of the bar. Ghost led the way back down the private alley. Once he reached the same doors the two of you had left out of, you paused.


"Hmm?" he turned, clutching his mask to put it back on.

"Don't put that on."

He opened his lips.

"Please," you swallowed. "I-I like you without it."

"Are you saying I'm attractive?"

"Hell yes," you covered your mouth and blushed. "I mean, I've never seen you without your mask and I like knowing what you look like, you know, in case I need that information for a mission or-"

Ghost cut you off, finally closing the distance between you with a rushed kiss. You slouched against the wall of the mini base, tugging on his waist to pull him closer. Ghost only pinned your wrists above your head as a response.

"Simon," you whispered.

"Why don't you help me finish this game?" Ghost suggested as he casually pulled away, leaving you dumbfounded.


"Let's pretend I didn't get you," Ghost smirked.


"So I can find you again," he whispered, drawing nearer once more. "So I can capture you the same way."

You smiled, wrapping your fingers around the mask in his hand. Snatching it from him, you bolted inside the base.

"Now I got you!"


Sup dudes, I'm backkkkk! I only died for a little bit there and I swear it won't happen again for a while!

Now that I FINALLY finished Fallen Angel, this book is my only one in progress. I plan on publishing an INFINITE WARFARE fan-fiction soon!!! :D

Damn, it was hard writing this request because I'm not used to using "you" as the main character. Ughhh, I apologize for typos!

Love you lovelies! Thank you SO much for 1k votes and the constant support! The next few updates WILL be requested moments...continue to request if you'd like and re-request if I haven't filled yours yet (just to remind me)! :)


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