His New Family (Hesh)

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"I just don't know which one to pick!" your hands were pressed against the glass as you peered into the adoption center.

Next to you, Hesh laughed. A hand came to your back. "Babe, we're going in to meet them."

"I knew that, of course," you grinned, stepping away from the glass.

"David and Y/N?"

To the announcement of your turn, you eagerly grasped Hesh's hand and headed for the woman with a clipboard. She checked Hesh's ID and then nodded us inside, closing the door.

"The two black ones have been reserved already," her voice was soft as she kept her distance. "Take the time you need as you are the last appointment for today."

"Thank you," Hesh dismissed her with a polite smile.

You crouched and then sat cross-legged on the floor. Your hands picked up a squeaky toy and, as you squeaked it, all five puppies tilted their heads. There was a temporary moment of inert puppies and then the attack came.

"Aw! Oh my gosh! All of you are so adorable!" you gently pushed their eager tongues away from your face, allowing them to lick your hands instead. "And so sweet! Oh, honey," you glanced up at Hesh, "I want all of them!"

Hesh chuckled again and watched as the puppies retreated back to other toys, playing with one another. You leaned forwards, propping your chin on your fists.

"Which one do you like so far?"

"I kinda like the girl," you eyed the pink collar on a mostly black German Shepherd.

"I was looking at her too," Hesh smiled. "See if she'll interact with you."

You smiled and then reached out, snapping your fingers. "Here girlie!"

Rather than the little female trotting over, one of two males did instead; the other male, whom was completely black, stayed by his sisters, barking in protest over a toy. The normal patterned Shepherd padded over, ears floppy and tongue sticking sideways out of his mouth. He had big paws, a sign he would mature to be large as well.

"Or you can come, I suppose," you chuckled, letting the pup smell and then lick your hand multiple times. "You're so sweet."

The puppy came closer, stepping up into your lap and attempting to lick your face. You allowed him two saliva-coated licks and then grabbed his face, rubbing it playfully. The male bit at your hand, letting out a playful growl as he went to fall on his back.

You braced his fall, now cradling him like a baby in your lap. The puppy settled, turning his attention up towards Hesh, who was watching the entire situation unfold. The golden eyes of the German Shepherd blinked and his tail wiggled against your thigh.

"He's awfully attached to us," you commented, looking up at Hesh.

Hesh crouched down, giving the ten week old puppy a good rub behind his floppy ears. The dog tilted his head and then curled deeper into your gut with a sigh. He looked perfectly content.

"Hesh..." you looked at him, eye level now.

"I think he chose us," Hesh murmured, an excited twinkle in his eyes. "What do you think?"

"I love him," you whispered, watching as the puppy, drained of energy, began to nap in your lap.

Hesh kissed your temple and then stood. You slowly copied, urging the male off your legs in reluctance, and took a handhold with Hesh.

The lady entered the room when she noticed you were away from the puppies. Her red lipstick-matted lips curved in a smile and her blue eyes squinted.

"Have you made any decisions?"

"We want the other male," Hesh looked at the largest puppy drinking water.

"Lovely!" the lady gasped, scribbling on her clipboard. "Are you ready for him today or do we need more time to plan?"

You glanced upwards at your significant other, squeezing his hand. "We're ready."

"Excellent! I'll see you out in the front office for the paperwork and instructions."

As we followed the lady out of the room, you glanced behind you to see the chosen puppy staring after Hesh. His tail waged some more when he realized you were looking at him again.

"Want to pick out a collar?" Hesh looked at the rows of color-coordinated collars for purchase.

You knew the purchase would help support the shelter and nodded, leaving him to handle the paperwork. As you reached the rack of darker colored collars, you ran your hand along a black one. It was nylon, small enough to fit the puppy now and likely to last at least a few months until he needed a new one. You chose the simple black collar.

Moving along, you found a blank silver tag in the shape of a dog bone. Using the nearby machine, you made up a tag for the future family member. You carefully typed in one of the two names Hesh and you had agreed on; if the puppy had been a girl it was to be your favorite name, if a boy...Hesh's.

You waited for the bone to print out and then attached it to the collar. Your feet led you to join Hesh again at the counter. The simple paperwork was already almost done. Each signature just needed to be applied.

"Here," you offered the collar to Hesh.

"No," he gently shook his head. "You put it on."

"You chose the name."

"You chose the puppy."

You leaned upwards and kissed his cheek. "He chose us."

"And here he comes now," Hesh looked to where a volunteer was bringing the puppy around in his arms.

The puppy was looking around, excited to see the new surroundings. Once inside, the man set the puppy down. You knelt down, eyeing the small animal in happiness.

"Hey you," you smiled when he licked your hand and naturally sat in front of you.

You attached the collar around his small neck, fixing it so that the tag was easily readable. The puppy stuck out his tongue and tilted his head at the new jingling sound.

"Welcome to the family, Riley," you scooped the puppy up and hugged him.

Against your stomach you could feel the consistent tapping of a happy tail.


Apologies for not updating in two weeks. For the past three weekends my internet has been acting weird. Hopefully it's fixed now though!

Hope you enjoyed! It's short, but I figured cute too! The picture is how I imagine our favorite Riley looked as a lil pupper (if he was actually realistic).

There will be an update this Sunday lovelies! Thanks for reading and for the support ❤️


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