The Strict and The Silent (Requested Logan)

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Sorry for not updating this sooner and for another Logan so quickly, but this was kind of requested annnd I have to write out what inspired me otherwise I'll lose it!

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 300! Since it did happen before I woke up the other morning, I am required to update THIS book AT LEAST once a day for an entire week. What the hell did I get myself into doing? XD (STARTS TODAY)

Love you all! Please continue to follow, vote and comment ideas/thoughts! If I hit 400, I'll do this updating thing for TWO weeks! ;)



"Hesh, Logan, you will be stationed here with us as we work together," Merrick's voice drew you away from the wall of controls to the hallway.

Walking out, you noticed Merrick showing two other men around. Your eyes lingered over one of the new man's muscular form, his eyes shifting to meet yours at the same time. You quickly looked away and stepped towards Merrick.

"Y/N, meet Hesh and Logan Walker," Merrick introduced you. "They'll be staying with us."

"Did they pass?" you demanded, hands behind your back and your lips flat.

"They just arrived. No, not yet."

"We can't have anyone in here who hasn't passed," you snapped.

"We're sons of Elias Walker," the taller one, who you assumed was Hesh, spoke up and you looked to him.

"Scarecrow?" you looked back to Merrick and he nodded.

Regret instantly made you soften. These young men weren't looking at an easy way into the Ghosts, they simply had been adopted into it. Elias had been planning their arrival for the longest time.

"Well then," you shifted back on your heels, "I apologize."

"Apology accepted," Hesh replied.

"I'll show you around," you suggested.

"Hesh has to come with me," Merrick darted in. "You may take Logan."

Logan hadn't moved his gaze away from you. You tried to ignore it by turning and walking down the hallway, but his gaze stayed glued to you as you did so. His beautiful eyes had captured yours; you refused to let yourself stare for too long. Everything you stood for was against that.

"You're awfully quiet," you tried to make conversation.

"You're awfully strict," Logan's quiet voice made you smirk.

"I take that as a compliment."

"You're welcome," Logan was just as short as you.

You slowed your pace as you both came up to the weight room. "This is where you'll be forced to lift until you bleed. Learn to love this room."

"Sounds fun," Logan was gazing over the room.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood," you looked to him and he met your shorter gaze. "You are welcome to workout whenever you like."

Your eyes caught a small smile on Logan's lips. His quietness had to be either from nerves or excitement. Nobody could ever be this quiet.

"Why are you so quiet?" you finally groaned.

"I'm not," Logan smirked. "Why are you so strict?"

"I'm not!" you argued. "I just have personal boundaries and rules."

"Do you ever go beyond them?" Logan wondered aloud, his eyes twinkling.

You narrowed your e/c gaze and crossed your arms. "Maybe with a few exceptions."

Logan smirked again, making laughter escape your mouth. Soon enough, you both were laughing in the hallway. Part of you enjoyed the break from your strict subconscious, but part of you also hated the idea of being so childish.

"Let's finish, shall we?" you stopped laughing and turned to continue down the hallway.

"So strict," Logan whispered and you glanced back.

His smirk said it all.

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