Desperate (Requested Logan)

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"These lead to somewhere! Tell us!" the Federation soldier spoke poor English as he shoved the blueprints in Ajax's face.

"The silent type, eh?" another one if the soldiers demanded.

Ajax glanced to where you were tied to the ground with your hands behind your back. His gaze was full of guilt and determination. The determination was for obvious reasons; he would never give in to the Federation clutches. The guilt...that was for reasons you couldn't quite place. Was he feeling guilty for putting you into this horrible situation? You both knew you were able to handle yourself, yet this situation- stuck together against a whole stadium full of enemies and no communication to the team of other Ghosts- had you fearing your life.

"Leave him the fuck alone!" you snarled and wiggled in your ropes as the two interrogators went to punish Ajax.

"Look who finally decided to speak up," the soldier, mostly American, grasped your chin harshly. "Why don't you let me turn that ugly little face into something more ugly, for your own sake?"

"Fuck you!"

You let out a loud whimper as the soldier harshly grabbed your ponytail and yanked your head back. He pressed his knife to your throat and leaned closer, his breath reeking of cigarettes. You wiggled in your ropes.

"Maybe we should keep her for our own interest," the soldier holding you growled.

"Let go of her!" Ajax managed to roll towards the two of you, taking the legs of the soldier out.

His loud thud on the hard floor made you wince. Ajax was also suddenly brought to the ground with a punch, his sore throat letting out a groan. You shuffled your weak legs on the floor, trying to scoot closer to one of your closest friends on the team.

"Ajax," you whimpered, using your shoulder to help him sit up. "Stay with me!"

Ajax leaned into you, his strength finally staggering for once in the hours you two had been captured. Blood poured from the corner of his mouth, getting your shoulder bloody as well. You glared up to the soldier returning your fierce gaze.

"You will never win!"

"Oh? That's why there are two of you and hundreds of us here currently, right?"

Realization hit you like a branch to the face. Ajax and you were never going to get out alive. The others didn't know where you were nor would they ever. It was the path to your slow, painful fate. You'd dreaded dying in the arms of your enemy, rather wanting it to happen gently with your teammates.

"Any last words, you pathetic cunts?" the soldier who'd been knocked down spat on the floor in front of you.

"Fuck you!" you yelled.

It happened much too quickly for you to realize.

The other soldier moved to stab a long, dull knife into your gut. Before the blade reached your tightening body, Ajax flung forwards in front of you. The knife met his stomach and tore down to his kidney area in a diagonal manner. You let out a wail at the same time the door was breached.

"Ajax!" you cried, moving to try to catch him.

"You bitch!" the soldier who'd been knocked down stepped forwards to barely shoot your shoulder opposite of your heart.

You wailed and fell backwards, the wind knocked out of your lungs. The soldier who had shot dropped to the ground at the same time you let out a gasp for air.

"Clear!" it was Merrick's loud, deep voice that made you wail out in surprise once more. "Ajax!"

"M-Merrick," Ajax called in a whisper.

"Y/N!" Keegan was the second to react, coming to help you up.

"Ah!" you let out a jaw-clenched growl as Keegan tried to help your wound.

You didn't hear what was said by Ajax as Keegan spoke words of encouragement in your ear. Your e/c gaze shifted to where two other men stood watching the whole scene in shock.

"Logan, come help her," Keegan was suddenly away from me, looking at the wall of important papers and Ajax's mask.

Two gloved hands, rather warm for being so, were suddenly supporting you. You leaned into the smaller, muscular body, a pained groan escaping your lips. The man supporting you let out a small sigh.

"A-Ajax," you whispered, reaching out.

"He's gone," Merrick slowly stood to face Keegan, holding Ajax's mask.

"We need to get out of here," Keegan looked between both Ajax and you.

Merrick looked to you, your vision blurring to prevent you from seeing his saddened expression. "Hesh we're going to make our way to a chopper, cover us!"

Hesh, the second man by the door, dipped his head. Everyone started moving out of the room. Keegan picked up the body of Ajax while Logan moved to help you up. As much as you wanted to protest to the help, your dizzying world told you otherwise.

"Easy, easy," Logan caught you as you stumbled next to him, his arm tightening around your waist.

Logan finally picked you up off of your feet, carrying you like a groom would his bride. You let out a moan and felt your head tilt back. Logan's muscular arms shifted you so that your blood wasn't flowing towards the wound bleeding heavily from your shoulder.

"T-Thank you," you whispered with your eyes closed as Logan moved behind cover to avoid the shots coming from Federation soldiers ahead.

"Hey," Logan's hands cupped your bruised cheeks gently. "Stay with us. Kept your eyes open."

You slowly opened your eyes to gaze into Logan's own. His eyes twinkled with a certainty of your survival; it was that one thought that made your adrenaline return into your weakening body. His gaze heated the cold parts of your body and, just for a moment, his eyes took away all of the pain from your shoulder.

"Stay awake," Logan broke the silence between us.

"I-I will," you whispered, lifting your arm as Logan began to move forwards with the team and lift you up into the bridal-style carry once more.

"Cover us!" Merrick yelled to Hesh, who ducked behind a piece of cover.

Logan moved with Keegan, holding Ajax, and Merrick towards the empty chopper. Merrick went up to the cockpit to start the chopper while Keegan set Ajax in a safe spot. Logan quickly lifted you up to rest in the chopper.

"Stay awake, Y/N," his voice was the painkiller to your pain.

"I will," you whispered, feeling Keegan lift you upwards.

Logan watched you as you slowly released his hand, you'd clutched onto it as he'd released you, almost too scared to let him go. His gaze almost acted let-down to the possibility of never seeing you again.

"It won't be the last," you whispered weakly, practically reading his mind. "I promise."

Logan's eyes widened as the chopper door shut.


Wow, it's been a long time since I've even been on Wattpad. Sorry! With school right around the corner, it's been hectic. School....not looking forward to it -_-

Hope you enjoyed this poorly-written chapter! It's supposed to be like the mission where the Ghosts rescue Ajax, but since I haven't played the Ghosts campaign in a long time, I've forgotten EXACTLY what happens. Once again, sorrrry!

The next update on ANY story will be MUCH sooner!


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