Pennies (Keegan)

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You looked up at the package of Doritos, sighing in defeat. The chips were limited edition and you wanted them so badly, but your height was not on your side this time.

"Need help?" a deep, creepy-sounding voice asked from across the aisle.

"If you're tall enough," you looked over to the black haired man putting groceries in his cart.

Clearly the good-looking man was, as he stood on his tippy-toes and easily grabbed the bag of chips. "Here you go."

"Thanks, I guess," you took the chips.

"No problem," the man flash a smile and you were drawn to him even more.

You continued your shopping, grabbing a few more things before leaving to checkout.

"Are you in line?" you asked a couple holding hands.

"No," they smiled and you went in front of them to get in line.

You wanted that so badly. A boyfriend to cuddle, hold hands, and kiss with. One that respected you for you and loved you for you. One that you wanted to spend eternity with. You knew it wasn't going to happen...that perfect thought.

"Your total is twenty and a penny," the cashier told you.

You pulled out your only cash, which happened to be a twenty dollar bill, and handed it to the man.

"You still have to pay your penny."

"I don't have one," you said after digging through your purse.

"Then you need to get rid of some stuff," the cashier snapped.

"It's a penny," you raised an eyebrow.

"One penny short of the total," the man was not being very kind. "If you aren't going to pay, get out of the-

"Ma'am, I think you dropped this," the same voice from earlier stopped the cashier from saying anything else.

Seeing a penny being placed on the small counter in front of you, you gazed at it for a second. Slowly turning your head to the left to look to the owner of the voice, you saw the same man that helped you earlier. He had a slight smirk on his face and was resting his elbows on his cart handle. You turned your head back to the cashier and smiled slightly, trying to not show the man your smile.

"Here's your receipt," the cashier snapped. "With no change." Not bothering to say thank you, you pushed your cart away, taking the paper bag with you.

After parking the cart where the others were at the edge of the store, you pulled out your keys. Your little c/c car sat in the spot farthest from the store. It was a walk, but you liked being outside.

Turning on your car, you pulled on your seat belt then started to back up. As you started to drive across the parking lot, you heard a weird yelling noise. Looking in the mirror, you widened your eyes and stopped.

"Wait!" the man running after you yelled once more as he ran up to the window.

"Are you stalking me or something?" you realized it was the same guy who had helped you twice.

"Not trying to," the man was panting only slightly. "You forgot this."

Seeing what was in his hand, you smiled slightly. "I thought I grabbed everything."

"The cashier is a dick and set the Tylenol aside to charge you what you originally would have paid," the man put his hands on his hips. "Trying to screw a lady, how...."

"Rude," you finished, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Keegan," the man stuck his hand out with a smile.

You couldn't look away from those bright blue eyes. "I'm Y/N."

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