I'm Going to Try (Requested Woods)

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Mind you, Woods is the younger version in this one. ;)

WARNING this does contain the beginning of something people like to call SMUT, LEMON, SEX, ETC. READ AT YOUR OWN INNOCENCE.

I freaking warned you.



Woods was so fucking irritable sometimes and it drove you insane. Here, for instance, he stormed in from work cussing profanities. He even threw freshly folded laundry off the couch, complaining how lazy and terrible you were.

This ended up in a fiery argument.

"What the hell is your deal?" you shouted while Woods paced in the bedroom. "All you ever do is come home and yell and say how much of a sloppy girlfriend I am!"

"You don't even understand what's going on!" Woods argued back, his black hair as messy as his attitude.

"Well, maybe if you fucking explained!"

"You're too much of a child to understand," Woods growled, shoving past you to go downstairs.

"Too much of a child? Who's being childish now?" you demanded, following him briskly. "Who pays the bills and makes sure we can afford to have food on the table, huh? Who takes care of your sorry ass when you can't?"

"No one I know!" Woods shouted, picking up the car keys.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"To find someone who will actually appreciate what I do!"

The door slammed, leaving you in frustrated tears.

You stormed up to the door, flinging it open. "Don't bother to come back!"

As you slammed the door, you locked the deadbolt and kicked it. Your tears were turning into something even more powerful now: tears of hurt. Your angry emotions were turning into those of worry.

What if Woods actually went out and found another woman? Sure, the two of you had stupid arguments, but none had been this bad. What if he followed through with his words?

You distracted yourself by picking up the scattered laundry. Folding it neatly back up, your thoughts overwhelmed you.

Nothing, he called you nothing but a useless child. Who did he think he was? You did so much around the house and at your part-time job. How could he complain when you were physically and mentally trying so hard?

After you'd finished with the laundry, you turned off most of the lights and headed upstairs to get into bed. You brushed your teeth, the paste tasting like bitterness, and brushed out your hair in eerie silence. Your pajamas were nothing more than shorts and a tank.

You let out a sigh as your form molded into the mattress. It enveloped you into the warmth of the covers, making you adjust your pillow perfectly. Your e/c eyes closed as you felt a painful sleep want to overtake you.

Then the front door closing caught your attention. 

Footsteps thudded up the stairwell, pausing by the bathroom. You cowered lower into the covers, hoping to look sound asleep to the intruder. He continued into the bedroom, the hall light illuminating it for just a few moments.

You didn't dare breathe as the man stripped into his pajamas in silence, occasionally letting out a grunt or two. His hot body radiating into the warmth of the covers as he settled down next to you. You stifled a groan.

"Y/N?" he whispered.

You wanted to ignore the aching feeling that made you want to answer. You wanted to fall into a coma so you didn't have to face him for the rest of the night. Your wants were unrealistic.

"What, Frank?"

Your voice was a snap, clearly showing that you were still flustered from the earlier argument. You never usually called Woods by his first name, yet you imagined this would be the perfect time to use it.

"I'm sorry."

"Not this time," you rolled away from being on your back. "No apologies will be accepted."

"Then talk to me," Woods rolled closer to your back, his fit body dangerously close.

"I've tried, you won't listen."

"Please," Woods wrapped an arm around your waist tentatively.

You let out a sigh. "I'm tired of you coming home and yelling random shit, especially about how terrible I am. I try, okay? I try so hard to keep both of us happy and you sane. I want you to quit your job so that I can my old Woods back because I miss him. I'm afraid he's going to leave me for something better, for someone that will 'appreciate' him more."

Woods' jaw tightened against your shoulder as you respectfully shot a bullet at the earlier argument. You looked straight ahead at the wall, not wanting to meet his dark gaze.

"I'm just scared, Frank. I want us to be happy and I want us to be-"

He cut you off, roughly flipping your chin towards his face to kiss your parted lips. You felt him tuck his arm deeper into your waist. As he pulled away, his held your jaw towards him.

"I'll quit my job for you and I'll try to become a better man," Woods murmured. "I'm going to try and make you feel like the queen you are for the rest of your life."

"Woods," you started, but he held up his finger to you tender lips.

"Marry me, Y/N."

Your heart dropped to your toes, creating goosebumps along your arms and a shiver down your spine. Woods held a calm face that studied every inch of your flawless face.

"I will," you gulped. "I want to."

Woods' lips broke into a smile. "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm just saying that to get you excited," you crossed your arms sarcastically.

Woods suddenly engulfed your lips, smooching multiple times as he rocked you over him. You found your fingers running up his abs and to his shoulders where they cupped his neck. Woods pulled away only slightly.

"I love you so much."

Woods peppered your lips and then sucked his way down to your throat. After leaving multiple marks to prove you were his, Woods stripped off your shirt. You playfully bit his ear- something that always sent him over the edge.

"Dammit, what do you do to me?"

You let out a giggle as he flipped you over and tangled his fingers in yours. His skillful lips made yours swollen as yours made his. You began to strip his sweats, your cool fingers tracing the outline of his waistline...

The sound of a phone going off made both of you stop.

Woods moved off of you to check his phone. You huddled into the covers, closing your eyes playfully. Woods looked at the caller ID and then glanced to you. He hung up the phone and set it back onto the counter.

"Now where were we?"

As he turned, he came face to face with you, who happened to be snoring away. A smile covered his face as he kissed your forehead and then settled next to you. He let out a whisper as he enclosed your bare upper body in his arms.

"Oh right, I'm supposed to try."

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