Got Your Back (Requested Ethan)

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"You aren't going on a mission as dangerous as this and that is final!"

"Father!" you groaned. "I'm eighteen and well-trained! I can handle myself!"

Your father, Nick Reyes, just wasn't letting you have your way today. "I don't care. Only Saltar and I are going on this one."

You groaned once more, stomping your foot in disapproval. Reyes, Commander of the ship Retribution, spun around to face his closest asset: E3N or Ethan.

"Keep an eye on her while we're gone, Ethan."

"Yes sir," Ethan moved his robotic head in your direction.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Sure, Ethan had been there since you were a child, yet that didn't mean you had to like him. Ethan always sided with Reyes even if you were right and it annoyed you to great extents.

"He won't stop me," you crossed your arms in dismissal.

Reyes shot Ethan a look only the two of them knew. Ethan suddenly walked towards you, hoisting you up over his shoulder. You let out a squeal of discontent.

"Put me down Ethan!"

"I'll be back later, Ethan," Reyes moved away towards the armory, Saltar waiting for him with an amused smirk.

"Ethan!" you cried out, hitting his back.

That move made your hands hurt more than his back. After all, Ethan was a robot. He probably hadn't even felt your fists.

"If I have to hold you like this all day, then so be it, madam," Ethan was polite, but even you could detect the hint of amusement in his voice. 

You grumbled, letting out an irritated sigh. "If I calm down and don't try to go, will you release me? All my blood is rushing to my head."

Ethan's body shifted you over his shoulder once more, setting you gingerly on the ground. You stumbled a little bit, trying to regain your balance through dizziness. Ethan kept a solid hand on your forearm.


"Much, thank you," you paused, "asshole."

"I take that as a compliment coming from you," if he'd been human, Ethan would've grinned.

Rolling your eyes, you began to walk through the ship to the armory. Ethan followed close behind, ready to pounce on you if you decided to run. Knowing that, you decided to not disobey your father this time around.

"Missy Reyes," Griff greeted you with his nickname.

"Griff," you stationed yourself in the first area. "Give me the hardest practice course you got."

"Yes ma'am," he fluttered around his little "office" to try and suit you up. "Your father was jus' here...not goin' on his mission today?"

You fought back bitter remarks. Ethan watched the back of your head in silence, waiting for your angry outburst.

"No, he told me I needed a break," you partially lied.

"And Ethan is left babysittin'?" Griff let out a chuckle.

"Actually, Ethan is left to help Y/N," Ethan grabbed your hand and gently guided you backwards. "Why don't we practice in a few? I have a better idea."

"S-Sure," you stammered, confused. "Keep my set up ready, Griff."

"No problem," Griff barely spared the two of you a glance as another solider came to his attention.

Ethan kept his hand steadily on yours as he led you through the ship towards the hangar. His robotic legs were outmatching yours, causing you to have to lengthen your stride significantly. You said nothing as Ethan led you past the Jackals and ships to a separate room.

"Put this on," Ethan finally released you to hand you an oxygen helmet.

You cautiously put on the helmet and looked to Ethan, who had moved to open a hatch leading outside into empty space. The ship was near Earth, orbiting the moon, so you had a perfect view of the large planet you used to call home.

"Come on," Ethan held out a hand.

"Are you sure?"

"No, I'm going to get us both killed," his voice was sarcastic.

You latched onto him as Ethan jumped off the edge of the ship. With your weight, you thought Ethan would drop you. Then again, he was a robot with more strength than you could imagine. He held you with ease as the two of you floated through space. 

"What's this for?"

"An apology," Ethan moved his shoulders in a shrugging motion.


"I always side with your father," Ethan pointed out. "I want you to know I have your back, Y/N. Though I may not always show it, I am here for you. Any missions you need help with, any father-daughter problems."

"I have a mission," you paused. "Please help me prove to my father I'm not a little girl."

Ethan let out a small laugh. "You'll always be his little girl, Y/N. Getting him to realize that you can handle yourself is your mission."

"So, will you help me?"

"I got your back, don't I?"

You smiled and hugged Ethan, moving your head to look towards earth. "Thank you, Ethan."

"Anything for a best friend."


I seriously adore Ethan, he's the best! I hate that we had to kill him when playing Infinite Warfare (spoilers sorry not sorry!) seriously broke my heart.

Anywho, I'm trying to catch up on requests and updates because I'm a little behind- school has me so f***ing pissed and overloaded, it's not even healthy. So, requests will be slower to be updated until I'm caught up within the next couple of days. Still request as much as you like, though!

Up next is a steamy requested moment with a character we all love! ;)


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