Underwater Wonders (Keegan)

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It was your second date with Keegan. You hadn't even left the house and fear was already pulsing through your veins. He had spoken about diving and having to go a long ways for the date.

"Ready to go yet Y/N?" Keegan asked from your living room.

"Almost!" you were examining your figure in the suit Keegan had given you. "Do I have to wear this?"

A chuckle came from the living room. "Yes! Unless you'd like to be exposed to the coral and animals."

"I look terrible," you came down the stairs, your hair back and your body covered by the black and bright blue diving wet suit.

"I don't care," Keegan crossed his arms and looked to you with a smile. "I think you always look beautiful."

Your heart secretly melted to his sweetness, but you only crossed your arms in defeat. Keegan chuckled and kissed your forehead as he passed you. Opening the front door, Keegan motioned for you to exit.


The bubbles of used oxygen that danced up to the surface wasn't the only thing that amazed you. Colorful arrays of tropical fish and plants covered the sea around where you effortlessly swam through the water. Your e/c eyes were wide as you dove with schools of yellow, red, and even orange fish.

Keegan stayed near, but he let you have the best view. Occasionally, he would swim closer and point something out, only to swim off and explore some more. You wanted to be near him, but were enjoying the scenes playing out in front of you.

A large shadow above where you floated currently made you look up. Your oxygen caught in throat, making you awkwardly cough into your mask. Keegan quickly swam up to you, squeezing your shoulder in comfort.

Turning, the figure above you was now even with you. It stalked the waters like a cougar would it's prey. A shiver escaped your goosebumps as the huge, light grey predator circled you and Keegan.

"Lemon shark," Keegan signed for you, making a hilarious lemon-squeezing motion. "Harmless."

You still watched the shark as it circled again, swimming right towards Keegan. Keegan gently put his hand out, touching the top of the animal as it rocked past. You secretly hated the idea of even touching a shark, but slowly did so anyways.

Right as you reached, the shark jerked away. Keegan came up to you and gently cradled your elbows with his hands. He swam towards the shark, you wide-eyed by his side.

Keegan managed to turn the shark around, rubbing it multiple times. You watched in amazement as the man and shark almost did a dance of who could intimidate the other. You hoped the shark wouldn't decide to attack.

A hand squeezing yours made you tense. Keegan gently pulled you forwards in the water, his hand over yours as he put your hand onto the shark. You rubbed, a small smile coming to your face when you realized how curious the shark was of you as you were of it. Such an amazing animal, so overly judged.

"We need to go up," Keegan signaled and I slowly nodded, watching as the Lemon shark moved off into the clear waters to explore something else.

You reached the surface too quickly, wishing you could return down to the depths of the reef and explore more. Keegan pulled off his mask as he entered the small boat you two had taken out into the cove.

"That was amazing!" you looked down to try and see as you climbed up the ladder.

"And it can get even better than that," Keegan shook out his hair, looking hot as he tangled his hand through it too.

"I never knew a shark could be so friendly," you continued, setting your mask down as you started to take off your fins.

Keegan smiled, speaking something in Spanish to the driver of the small boat. As the boat slowly started heading back towards land, Keegan sat down next to you. Your smile grew as he helped you put away your borrowed fins.

"I'd like to do this again sometime," you said casually to break the silence.

"Anytime you want to," Keegan agreed, shutting the crate with our fins.

"Thank you for today," you tucked a piece of pulled-up hair behind your ear as the wind blew it around.

Keegan looked to you, his gaze lingering over your lips for just a few seconds. You cupped his scruffy cheeks and smiled. Keegan gently pressed his lips to yours, making you melt before his very presence.

"Like I said," Keegan breathed as you pulled away, "anytime Y/N."

Another smile found your lips as you leaned up to kiss him again.


I'm begging on my knees for 300 followers! Please, oh please, oh please! PLEASE! I will update at least once every day for an entire week (just this book) if I wake up tomorrow with TWO more followers! Please, you can do it!

This was sitting in my drafts for a while and I decided to finally post it, so I'm sorry it may be sucky! The next update will come sooner (now that I'm feeling better from my surgery) and I'm also happy to take requests so that can happen!

Love you all!


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