Impossible (Requested Walker Brothers)

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Happy Sunday y'all! School/work tomorrow yay! Right?

Thank you SO MUCH for over 53K reads and 2K votes! That is amazing in my opinion! I'm so grateful for all the support and cannot thank you all enough!!!

Please keep the sweet feedback coming, all of it brightens my day!

I love you guys/gals! Please vote, comment your requests/thoughts/questions, and message me whenever!

Here's to next Sunday!



"Guys are just so stupid these days," your friend groaned, walking next to you on the outdoor walkway to your fourth class of the day.

You let out a light chuckle. "Boys have always been stupid. It's just the high school ages that make them the worst."

"Can't argue there. Damn testosterone."

You smiled and continued walking next to her, your eyes swiveling to find the group of varsity jocks. They were sitting and standing around the quarterback's fancy Ford truck, hooting and hollering like dumbasses. Your e/c eyes softly plopped down on the two you knew best. One was more silent than the other, mostly taking everything in with a smirk on his young face still untouched by facial hair. The older one was taller yet leaner and he strode about with a cheesy grin. Towards females, the tall one was overly cocky, getting too many of those girls for school dances like prom and homecoming. The younger boy was the opposite. He was genuine and caring, asking girls that were usually without a date and giving them the time of their lives.

As if he could hear your thoughts, the younger Walker brother looked up the slope to your gaze. A smile tugged at his lips, one of the special ones he reserved for your presence. You gave a small wave and he returned it. The older Walker brother glanced your direction, but didn't wave or smile. He usually got that way around his football buddies.

"What are you looking at?" your friend poked you. "Those guys are the worst."

"All but two of them," I faced her. "Two of them are my best friends."

And you weren't lying. Logan and David Walker had been your closest buddies since middle school. You'd been through so much with them. You thought of them like two big brothers, since both of them were older- Logan by a few months- and had seen them beat an ex up for cheating on you. That had been last year if you recalled it correctly.

You always remembered the day that the three of you met. At a table group of four, you'd been assigned a class project that truly involved teamwork. You and Logan wanted a good grade, however David was more reluctant. You hated him at first. The fourth group member ended up moving away so they completely left the class and the group. The project had been finished, but the work hadn't been the best. Still, the whole experience had made the three of you become friends.

It wasn't always easy and cheerful either.

The boys would sometimes fight...over you. As the years went on the attraction to you grew and they often butted heads. More than once you'd had to tell them off and remind them that you were all friends. It sometimes helped when you had a boyfriend, except sometimes that tended to make the two of them jealous and the guy would be scared away.

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