Tides (Soap)

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It was in the middle of January when you decided you wanted to head over to the coast for a stressless weekend. With all the commotion of your grandfather passing away without a will, you hadn't had a single day to just...breath. This beach trip was going to be your personal Advil.

"Alright, I got the cooking supplies and food packed up, next are the clothes and sleeping bags."

You unplugged your fully charged phone and faced Soap, your soon-to-be husband, or fiancé. Both of you hated the word "fiancé" so you typically went with soon-to-be or, just facing it, husband and wife. Soap gave a handsome smile- the one that always made you smile too- and picked up the two bags on the bed.

"I'll do a house-walk and make sure we have everything," you agreed, moving into the hallway then the living room.

Soap slipped out the propped front door, packing the white Jeep Grand Cherokee you both owned. You rummaged through the small house, picking up your pillow, purse and house key. Soap had re-entered the house and grabbed his favorite jacket- a black Nike zip-up.


"Don't think we've forgotten anything," you replied with a sigh.

Soap held open the door while you exited the house and snagged the silver house key from your grasp. You shot a playful glare over your shoulder, but Soap only locked the wooden door in silence.

The entire car ride was a fight over which radio station was the best to listen to, who drummed the best to the station and a game of who could spot yellow cars the fastest- the loser was frogged in the arm. You couldn't help but leave a beautifully colored bruise on Soap's bicep, but he answered with a small mark to your left thigh.

Once you arrived to Newport, Oregon an hour later, you couldn't help but take a deep breath. The sea-scented air was practically wafting through the heater of the Jeep and, as you looked out at a local shop that sold candy, you vowed to buy saltwater taffy before you left.

"Oooo," Soap grinned, "a seafood market! Know what that means, Y/N?"


"Crab! Lots and lots of crab!"

You rolled your eyes. Of course, his favorite food was dungeness crab and it was absolutely delicious, so you couldn't blame him.

"I'd rather catch it and cook it myself," you stuck out your tongue. "My dad has always said saltwater is the best way to cook them."

"If we have time to crab then we will," Soap looked to you as he turned onto the road to the campground, "but you're first this trip."

You felt a blush arise on your cheeks and you shifted in your seat. Soap was a hilarious asshole, but he had moments when he was nothing but a gentlemen. Those moments were what allowed his hooks to latch onto your heart and pull you into his trance of sweetness.

"I'll unpack, go open the yurt," Soap dropped the key into your hand.

You pushed open the Jeep door as Soap disappeared to begin setting up camp. Since it was in the middle of January, there were few people at the state park. The idea of not having to wait for showers was relieving to you.

The yurt was colder inside than it was outside and you switched on the heater provided up against the wall as soon as you entered. The unfoldable couch sat off to the right of the entrance while the bunk bed was on the left. On the lower part of the bunk was a full-sized bed and the upper had a twin, making the frame look like a right triangle.

You returned outside on the partially covered porch to see that Soap had set up a lot. The two camp chairs were sitting by the fire pit, the cooler sat on the porch along with the tote filled with cooking supplies and the cooking stove joined them all. Soap came around the side of the Jeep, holding both duffle bags.

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