Only One Recruit (Soap)

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"I need you to escort him very well as he is a very important ally. Understood?"

You saluted your commander and watched him dismiss you. Immediately as he did so, you headed to pick up the person he'd briefly explained about. 

John MacTavish was a soldier from another, more-skilled military section. He was here to discuss with your commander and possibly recruit more soldiers. He was to be treated with great respect and all favors had to be fulfilled. 

You, more of a hand for the commander, weren't as excited as some comrades. The men specifically worked out a little more to make their muscles pop, while some of the women made sure their features were flattering. You had done nothing, only expecting a serious soldier who would barely look your direction. 

Reaching the airport a few miles from the main base, you raised your chin and clasped your hands behind your back. The soldiers at each of your sides were stiff and focused on the single man exiting the chopper. He waved something to the pilot and then began to shorten the distance to you. 

"Captain MacTavish, sir," you greeted as he slowed. "Welcome."

His eyes were wise beyond his youthful features as they moved over your face. You swallowed, surprised by the sudden wave of attention on you by the stranger. The Scottish captain was more handsome and less serious-looking than you'd expected; he had to be in his late twenties or early thirties with an exceptional hairstyle and accent. 

"Thank you," he reached a hand out and you took it in a firm handshake. "You are?" 

"Y/L/N," you swallowed again; the heat of his stare was a lot to handle. 

MacTavish didn't say anything as you removed your hand from the shake and motioned back to the ride home. You let him trail behind you and the two guards leading the way. 

You entered the car before he did, sliding in the roomy backseat. MacTavish joined you, moving his knees in quickly so that the guards could shut the door. 

"The windows are specially designed to make sure no one can scan for you identity," you mentioned, looking straight ahead. "We won't talk about the bulletproof vehicle."

"You didn't have to arrange all of this for me."

"It wasn't my decision," you blinked, glancing at him to see his eyes trailing along the side of your face. "My commander thought it a good idea. I, however, thought you'd be fine in a regular vehicle...less noticeable." 

MacTavish nodded. "You're smart to think that way, but your commander is just taking precautions." 

"Of course," you didn't need to respond, but it would've been rude not to and that violated the set rules for the visitor. 

Out your window, you watched the small buildings of the airport pass by. Soon, it would change into a small town and then move into a deserted area in which the base sat tucked away in some hills. 

Your eyes shifted further ahead to where a group of people walked down the sidewalk. Most were laughing and shoving each other in a good time, however one did not. If anything, that one person specifically glanced to the passing vehicle and murmured something into their watch. 


"Look out!"

There was a sudden crash into the front of the vehicle and you slammed into the seat before you. The car spun out as it was rammed into the side of the strip of buildings to the left side of the road. 

Suddenly, the entire area of the town erupted into a war zone. 

Through your ringing ears, you heard gunshots sound out as the other vehicles included in the escort let out the soldiers wielding weapons. The driver of your vehicle was gurgling as he choked on glass stuck through his throat.

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