$100 Bet (Requested Woods)

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Hello everyone! I'm going to have to apologize for the lack in updating recently.

My horse threw me the other day and I've had some bad whiplash so I've been down and away from technology screens as much as possible. This last week was also finals week and the two weekends before that I was out snowmobiling in the mountains with family (annnd without service).

So I'm upset at not being able to find time to update :(

Hopefully I'll be back on my feet soon though and the updates will come more quickly (spring break is coming up in two days)! Expect all the long-time-waiting requests to happen soon.

Keep requests coming too, because it'll give me something to do over the break! Hope you enjoy, lovelies, and thank you so much for the support! The active (and sometimes hilarious) commenting on my works (especially this one) has brightened the heck out of my last couple of dark weeks!

I'll shut it now. ;)


(This is unedited, unread and unchecked)


"Why do we even have to do this stupid shit?"

"Some training."

You whipped around, narrowing in on the two recruits complaining about the simple wall sit you'd instructed your men to do. The other, older recruits who knew better than to question you experienced ways looked over at the pair in sorrow. They knew your wrath was poking at the surface.

"First of all, boys," you whacked each of their hands resting on the knees, "hands up against the wall. Tighten your cores too."

"You won't be able to tell, ma'am," one of them spouted and you smirked.

"Sergeant Smith?" you glanced over your shoulder and your helper stepped forwards while rolling his wrists. "Show them how to tighten their cores please."

"Yes ma'am!"

As you turned away, you smirked at the inexperienced boys. "I hope you learn your lessons."

You returned to the majority of the group, trembling from trying to have the absolute perfect form. You couldn't help but wave your hand, the signal to stop, and watch as they collapsed onto the grass off the brick wall. They groaned out in soreness.

"Well done today. I'm giving you the rest of the day off."

"Thanks ma'am!"

You nodded and walked away from the group, heading for the main makeshift office in the boot camp you'd been assigned to for the off-week. Entering the cooler office, you were greeted by focused silence.

Without saying anything to the few working soldiers, you headed to a connecting part of the office of higher-ranked quarters. You entered yours, changing into a tank top instead of your jacket and then tied up your hair- taking it out of the bun instead.

Exiting the back way, you turned on music from your phone and headphones, plugging in and zoning out. It was your daily morning jog that you took four days a week. Typically you went for a good three mile run.

Heading for the forest loop, you found your legs taking you away from the base and into a wood-chipped path. Few other soldiers were out and most who were just nodded to you. You kept a steady pace until the second mile, where you slowed to a walk to adjust your music.

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