Runaways (Requested Yuri)

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He played with you and you knew it. Did you try to stop it? Of course not. Saying no to Makarov was a mistake that no one walked away alive from.

You were his current play-thing, nothing but his distraction that he used on his own terms and times. While you hated it and had been tricked into it, it was impossible to escape without getting killed. It wasn't so much Makarov that you couldn't escape, but the guard he'd stationed to be with you at almost all times.

Currently, that guard breathed down your neck as you tried to count out money. You shot him an impatient glare as he watched you write each individual number, making sure you weren't messing up Makarov's business.

While being his play-thing, Makarov spoiled you like a freaking doll. He let you buy new clothes almost weekly, making sure you treated yourself. It didn't make sense- as if it couldn't last much longer- for him to let you have that freedom. Still, you obeyed and took advantage of it.

"Yuri, if you keep watching me like that, I'm gunna blindfold you," you growled, handing the cash to the person who asked for it.

He only huffed, as if he'd think you'd even try, and then straightened. To everyone around you, he was expected to look more like a friend- Makarov's orders. You tried to ignore his presence at all times.

"What time is it?" you asked when you grabbed the two bags of clothes.


"I suppose we should head back," you sighed and looked out at the semi-busy street.

Yuri only motioned to the nearby private cab, his tattooed forearm flexing. Over the months, you'd come to admire Yuri. While he was an annoying pain in your ass, he was rather attractive and had a different attitude compared to Makarov and his men. You wanted to attempt to seduce him, to get an ally, but doing so could also backfire tenfold.

The ride to the private mansion was long and mostly silent. Yuri rarely spoke and when he did, it was to remind you of rules or suggest a better method before it got you in trouble. With that constant attitude, he seemed impossible to break through to.

Upon arriving, you stated you wanted to take a swim. Yuri still never responded, only following you as you unloaded the new clothes. He stood outside the closed door while you changed into your expensive swim suit and grabbed a towel.

"Do you ever even think to walk away from me, even for a second?" you questioned as you headed for the underground pool in the fancy basement of the mansion.

"No," he was serious, his eyes pinpointed straight ahead.

Reaching the pool took no more than a couple of minutes. You immediately sank into the heated water, enjoying the feeling of it coating your skin. You only dipped your head back, avoiding getting your face wet, while Yuri watched you against a doorway from across the room.

"Ah, Y/N. There you are," Makarov had entered the quiet room.

You froze in the water for a short moment, forcing a smile to your lips. "My love."

Makarov motioned for you to get out of the water, to meet him at the top of the steps. You slowly made for that direction and, as you exited the water, he hungrily watched the water drip from your skin. You stood dripping while he examined you in fondness.

"You look lovely," he cooed as he reached for a white towel.

You found yourself sick to your stomach as he wrapped it around you. His arms stayed around your smaller form, hugging you. Makarov quickly leaned in and kissed along your jaw.

"I'm glad you're home early," he whispered, his voice acid on your ears. "I have much to discuss with you."

Those were always the code words for a night of letting him pleasure himself. Rarely was it you he considered, but you did get some benefits out of it. You tried to smile to those thoughts.

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