Friendly Competition (Requested Hesh)

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It was the day. Your day to shine and win the surfing contest. The finals were in Hawaii and the crowds were so large, bile rose in your throat with nerves. There were five other contestants; the top three won the contest.

"Y/N Y/L/N," before you realized it, your name was being called for your run.

You ran out into the waves, gathering your strength to push yourself up onto your board. Whenever you were out on the waves, you felt so natural and unstoppable. Your tail flips and jumps proved your skill so.

After learning of your excellent score, you made your way to the scoreboard. Your score was higher than everyone else. You'd won the contest and your heart fluttered with joy from it.

"Nice job," a deeper voice from behind you made you turn.

Your jaw was so close to dropping. A man with washboard abs, muscular arms, a sexy light tan, and shorts walked over. His hair was cut fairly short, he wore a white Puka Shell necklace. You were mostly mesmerized by his sparkling green eyes and pearly white, straight teeth.

"You did an amazing job out there," the man almost repeated.

"Thank you," you spoke shyly, as you always were.

"Have any plans for after the winner's ceremony?" the man asked.

"No," you were starting to get really shy and nervous.

"Do you mind going with me to the cafe?" the man smiled even more. "I think you deserve it for your amazing work."

"I don't think that's necessary," you swallowed.

"Sure it is," the man walked forwards and stuck out his hand. "I'm David Walker. Most people call me Hesh for a nickname."

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N," you shook his hand nervously and shakily.

Hesh smiled even more and released your hand. "So, does the food sound like a good idea?"

"Sure," you sighed.

"Great," Hesh smiled. "And one more thing," he leaned in to kiss each of your cheeks, " Ho'omaika'i 'Ana."

You smiled to the congratulations in Hawaiian and squeezed each of his shoulders in response. Hesh glanced and smiled to you one more time.

"Come on, you have a trophy to hold," Hesh motioned for you to follow him.

A smile escaped your lips and you slowly began to follow him, a deep red flushing your cheeks.

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