Asshole Boyfriend (Mitchell)

3.1K 68 22

Can I just say....that picture of Troy Baker (Mitchell) heh yeah....he's haawwwwt! God dammit, I need to stop!

WOO HOO! 3K! Keep up the awesomely amazing work! I hope this becomes a big hit because books like these have so much potential! Goal now= 5K

Love you all!



You were secretly loving the trip with your boyfriend. He'd taken you to multiple places, leaving you to shop yourself away. The only place you didn't like was the club.

With bikers, smokers and both, the club crept you out. As many times as you told your boyfriend that, he didn't listen. You always clung to his arm or stayed in the car to feel safer. He still didn't seem to care.

"I'm going to get a coffee," you whispered in his ear, outside the bar.

"Whatever," he waved you off, continuing to talk the large bikers.

You quickly left his side and went up the short hill, looking around carefully. The coffee shop was across the street. While you waited for the light to turn and cars to pass, a man in a hoodie walked towards you from down the street. Your heart jumped in your chest, afraid he would mug you or something.

When the light turned, you quickly crossed the street, glancing back to make sure he wasn't following you. As he went straight, you let out a sigh. You couldn't understand why you were so fearful. Your boyfriend would protect you at all costs, he'd promised.

"Good evening," a woman was behind the counter, greeting you.

"Hi," you quickly ordered your drink.

As you struggled to stuff your change into your purse, a couple of coins fell. You picked what you thought had fallen up and let out a grumble. The lady returned minutes later with your drink.

"Thank you," you worked up polite words and then turned to leave. "Argh!"

You felt the hot liquid burn through your clothes and onto your skin, making you clench you teeth in anger. The man in the hoodie stood in front of you, gripping your arms to attempt to steady you.

"I'm so sorry!" the man looked slightly down at you.

You didn't look up to meet his gaze and instead let out a helpless sigh. Taking the busted cup, you threw it into the trash. Without a look and thought about the man watching you leave, you left the coffee shop to return to your boyfriend.

"Hey, that yo gurl?" one of the bikers asked. "She's a beauty!"

"Yeah," your boyfriend walked up to grab your hand and take you to the group.

"What are you doing?" you flung away from him.

Your boyfriend laughed and tried to kiss you. You slapped his cheek, backing away and gripping your purse tighter. He looked at you, narrowing his gaze.

"Leave me alone!" you fought his tight grip on your wrist.

"Oh come on," he fought back, making you slap him again.

"HEY!" a loud shout made both of you stop and the bikers perk up.

The man in the hoodie was walking down the street, his hood up again. You took the chance to fling away from your boyfriend. He reached to grab you again.

The stranger came up to your boyfriend, pushing him away from you. Instantly, you backed away from the entire scene, wanting to run far.

"Leave her alone," the hooded man was taller than your boyfriend.

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