Unbelievably Beautiful (Requested Gideon)

4.3K 58 31

I'M SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON! I went two days without updating and I feel like a bitch about it! I promised a whole week with each day consisting of one update and I skipped days! I'm going to update like three or four times this evening to make it up (no matter how long I have to stay up)! I will finish the challenge with a couple of updates tomorrow after this. I'm SO SORRY! :(

Thank you so much for all the votes, comments, and reads. I never thought this book would start to get popular and I really appreciate it! Goal= 10K :)




The KVA were ruthless. You'd been dealing with them since you were little, always running. You were never in once place for more than a year before they would find you. Something about your dead family had to do with how they were after you.

"This is the KVA! Open the door at once!" multiple knocks sounded for a second time as you quickly packed up a travel bag.

Your window was already slid open as you tossed it out the apartment window. It hit the fire escape with a thud and you soon followed it. The door from inside the apartment had been busted open and your heart pounded loudly from just the sound of that alone.

"Search the area!"

You quickly climbed down the ladder, your bag whipped over your shoulder. The alley between the fancy buildings was dark, allowing you to move unseen through the night. You ran towards where your car sat parked next to the curb.

You threw your bag in the seat next to you and then started the inexpensive car.  By the time you were speeding off, the KVA men had come back out. They shot at your car, making you yelp in surprise.

The car made a sound as a bullet hit something important; you were never a huge car person, so you didn't know. You squeezed the wheel as you sped off towards the nearest bridge. Getting across water would mean you could get onto the nearest highway.

"Shit!" you cried out as another KVA soldier shot with a longer-ranged weapon.

The back two tires shot, making the car spin out. You straightened your arms, bracing yourself for whatever impact you were going to experience.

You didn't expect it to be water.


"Keep pressure on that wound!" a voice yelled, sounding female.

"Hurry up!" another one called out, sounding more masculine.

You tried to open your eyes, only your vision was extremely blurry. Around you, three people worked to help whatever was wrong with you. Your muscles strained to lift your neck and look at your leg, completely busted and bleeding all over the gurney you rested on.

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