Built Up, Not a Hook Up (Requested Pierson Smut!)

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He was infuriating and annoying and frustrating. He tested every single one of your nerves until you were sure they would snap. He bullied you, but he also purposefully showed he cared at subtle times. 

"I'm going to kill him," you growled, watching him talk with another man. 

He had told some of your shared male coworkers, about your flustered mishap with him in public the other day. He'd made it sound as if you had been some insolent and idiotic stranger. 

You'd show him. 

Pierson had been a mere acquaintance at work you'd always bickered with. Your friends had joked you two would be adorable together, yet you had shut them right down. Pierson was not for you...not with how much you argued. A part of you hated him and his cold heart. 

"William Pierson," you crossed your arms, blocking his path as he moved away from his discussion. 

He cocked an eyebrow, a tiny expression to his usually stony and cold features. "What?" 

"I need to talk to you," you kept up the firm stance, hoping to intimidate him in the slightest. 

Pierson huffed as if amused by your attempts and walked past you. "Then talk." 

You stumbled to keep up with his brisk pace. "I heard what you said about me yesterday and I don't appreciate it."

Pierson only waved a dismissive hand, continuing down the hallway. You kept up with him, gaining the courage to grab his forearm. He spun to face you with a sharp glare. 

"You can't keep being an asshole to me."

He glowered and then glanced around, suddenly shoving you back into the empty storage office behind you. You stood firm and crossed your arms, glaring at him as he slammed the door. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I going to ruin your reputation?" you snapped.

Pierson ran a hand through his hair, letting out a grumble. "You're a pain in my ass. You're lucky no one heard you say that."

"Or what?" you were practically nose to nose with the bastard. "You don't have the power to fire me. It's about time they start seeing you for what you really are!"

"And what's that?" his voice was growl.

"That you're a stubborn and rude man with no sense of honesty. That you're mean to women, especially myself. Shall I go on? You care only of your reputation and hate anyone who may threaten it." 

Pierson opened his mouth. 

"You are a pain in my ass," you yelled. "All you've ever done since I've met you is tried to make my job hard!"

There was a short silence of you breathing heavily from your outburst. Pierson watched you through narrowed eyes. 

"Are you done now?"

You held up a finger, opening your mouth to continue. "Another thing...you can't-"

Pierson cut you off by closing the distance between the two of you. You let out a gasp to stop him, but he only crashed his lips against yours. 

You didn't want to feel the rush of heat and jitters throughout your body as Pierson kissed you. Hate was the only thing you expected, yet it was the one thing which didn't appear. No, you liked what was happening. 

Your hands fumbled at Pierson's button up and then pushed themselves harshly away. Pierson broke away from you in a hurry, licking his lips. You panted again, holding the back of your hand to your mouth in shock. 

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