The Witch (Requested Nikolai)

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WARNING: could be triggering for some people!!!

You'd seen the mental abuse in other houses, yet none were as scarring as the one between Nikolai and his fiancé. He was so incredibly trapped in the situation, it almost hurt your mind trying to sort it out.

His fiancé had everything under her control, including Nikolai himself. Of course he would fall to his knees to do anything she asked or wanted. Whether it was because he actually loved her was debatable. You thought of him as simply stuck...trapped may have been more appropriate.

"I told you that you can't go spend money on whatever you need, we agreed I was to decide what looked best," the witch was speaking softly to Nikolai on the cream couch in the large living room.

You brought in the iced green tea she had requested, setting the glass with a napkin under it on the glass foot table. You wiped your hands on your white apron and then looked to the woman for any more instruction. She waved you off, smiling and grabbing Nikolai's hand.


You left the room and went back into the kitchen. Inconspicuously, you busied yourself to finishing up sweeping the floor while listening to the conversation.

"You can't make those decisions!" Nikolai's booming voice echoed and shook the dishes in the glass cabinet. "I'm my own person, you can't-"

There was a loud smack and then heavy silence hung in the air. You wanted to run back out and make sure one of your employers was alright. You gripped the broom tighter.

"I'm so done with you. You're a piece of shit, Nikolai," the witch hissed. "I don't know why I'm marrying you."

You fumed with anger, listening to the bullshit being said. The bitch had tricked him into asking for her hand, practically demanding she did it. It was all for the money. Then she played the game that you currently listened to.

"I'll be back," she hissed. "You better change the attitude when I come home."

There was a slam of a door and then silence. You quickly exited the kitchen into the living room to pick up the tea. Nikolai was standing by the window, pacing in anxiety. It was unfair to such a handsome and strong man to have to endure what he was.

You picked up the glass and then paused, looking at his heaving shoulders. Even he looked like he was going to burst soon. Never before had she hit him- it was a new and more harmful thing than ever before.

"I think you should leave her," you found yourself speaking before you could help yourself.

Nikolai looked over his shoulder, his brown eyes almost black. "What?"

"She's using you, abusing you even," you held the glass steadily even though your knees shook from the heat of his gaze.

Nikolai turned and suddenly backhanded you with all of his force. You fell to the ground, the glass shattering. One hand propping you up, the other touching the side of your face, you stared up at Nikolai in shock. He clenched his fists, eyes never residing from a narrowed point.

"Stay out of business that isn't yours!" he spat.

You shook your head slightly and then scrambled to get up. A piece of glass sliced your palm as you did so and you ran through the kitchen towards the front door. You could hear a slam from back in the living room.

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